98. The After-Party

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The next morning everyone had woken up at the same time and decided to fix themselves something to eat. When they got downstairs, it was a total mess. Trash everywhere, food still left out; mixed together made a funky smell

"I thought you cleaned this up last night?!" Lilly asked Jeremiah who just stood looking around in shock

"It was past midnight, I thought it looked okay when I went to bed, but I guess not."

"Didn't you say mom and dad are supposed to be home today?"


"Well don't you think you need to start cleaning?! For all you know they could be on the way home now!"

"Don't worry J, we'll get it together before they get here." Isaiah said

Jeremiah groaned, "Dad is gonna kill me. So much for living past fourteen."

"Maybe it won't be as bad as you think."

"Are you crazy?! He's liable to hang me on the tree outside." He roughly ran his hands down his face and thought for a second. "Okay, if we all just pitch in together then we'll get the whole house clean before they get back."

Lilly looked at him like he was crazy, "Uh excuse you but I didn't make this mess, you and your brothers did. I told you this would happen and I'm not cleaning a thing."

"If I recall, Lillian you also took part in this party. Let's not forget you flirty with my friend all night long and also you knew about this whole thing, so they're gonna ask you why didn't you tell. If I go down, I'm bringing everyone down because we all knew what was happening."

"Fine, I'll help clean." She said

"Thank you. I'll take the kitchen, twins you get that side of the room and D you help Lillian."

"You can't stop with the Lillian now."

"Why? It is your name." He said in amused tone

"Whatever J. Ok Di help me move this table." They went to move the table and there was a dark stain in the carpet

"Oh Great! A stain on the carpet, what else could go wrong." Lilly said

"Saiah, where's Spike?" Zayn asked

"Oh yeah, he should be around here somewhere." Isaiah answered and Zayn got up

"You left him in here all night?"

"Well yeah, I figured he would be ok."

"Spike!" Zayn called

"Why are you calling Spike, he's outside." Lilly said

"No he's not, he's in the house because the smart one decided to keep him in here all night and I have a feeling I might know what that stain is." Zayn said going down the hall

"Oh no, please tell me it's not what I think it is." Lilly whined

Zayn came back with Spike and he had a disappointed look on his face as Spike sat in the middle of the floor. "I checked and it's what I thought."

"Ew! There's no way I'm cleaning that! Saiah you can clean it because you caused it and why would you leave him in here all night and don't tell us."

"Ok after I fed both dogs, I played around with him for awhile and I let him follow me in the house, then it was time to go to bed and I didn't feel like going back outside to let him out so I let him stay in here."

"Well isn't that grand, but you're still cleaning this mess up over here." Lilly said pointing to the stain

"Ok, ok I'll get it." He said getting up

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