111. It's all over

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It was later in the evening and the clock was ticking down for Ryan. He still hasn't told Valerie about his plan to give her to Chris or anything else regarding the whole thing.

Valerie was playing around with Rocky, he's still very shy but he has improved since yesterday. "I see you like your new puppy." Ryan said sitting down next to Valerie on the living room floor

"Yes very much, he's just so shy but I know he'll come around. Charlotte was like that when I first got her, but then she turned into the energizer bunny and she never stopped since."

"Well I'm glad you like the puppy. I want to ask you, how's your mood?"

She looked at him weirdly, "What do you mean by that?"

"How are you feeling at this very moment?"

"Fine." She answered plainly as he took her by the hand and gently stroked it with his thumb

"Well, I have some bad news for you." He said solemnly looking at her in the eyes

"What?!" She asked beginning to get frantic

"I found out who's been taking your pictures."

She began to calm down but was still confused at the same time, "Well that's great! Why is that bad news?"

"Because it was your so called friends Chris and Danielle. They're the ones that took the pictures and had them sent to me."

"Why would they do something like that to me? I've always been nice and very kind to them and they do this?!" She said started to get upset

"That's not all, they didn't do it to directly hurt you, it was to hurt me. The man behind the whole thing knew that the only way to get to me is by you or the kids and I don't think he would be that dumb to mess with my kids."

"The man behind it? You know who it is?" She asked

"Do you remember when you told me you was pregnant with Lilly and we went out to go celebrate and a man came to our table and said how he couldn't wait to get me."

"Yeah, that was the same man that came here and tried to get me to tell that you abused me."

"He's the one behind all of this and he wants to take me down, but that's not the bad part... Last night I promised Chris that I would give you to him." He said and her head began to spin, she couldn't believe what she just heard

"You... You did what?! This man violated my privacy and for that you want to give me to him?! What are you thinking?!" Valerie exploded

"I know you're mad, but you have to trust me." He said gently holding her hands and staring deep into her eyes

"You saw what he did-"

"I know what he did and believe me I have yet to forgive him for it, but you have to trust me. I need you to be as cooperative as you can if you want me to bring this man down and make him pay for what he did to you, okay?"

Valerie sadly nodded her head, "Okay. When do you plan on getting this done?"

"In a couple of hours." He said looking at his watch

She sighed heavily "I guess I can start getting ready." She said getting up and slowly going upstairs


The sun had finally set and it was time for Valerie to go. As she was walking back down the stairs she felt that it was going to be her last because she didn't know how this night would end, all she did know was that this night wouldn't be the same ever again.

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