95. Stand your ground

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~Valerie's POV~

It's the next day and they stayed out there all night and half the day. They haven't came in once and I just wish both Ryan and Jeremiah would put their egos aside for once and listen to each other, but they won't because they're too much alike and it'll be like talking to a brick wall neither will budge.

"Mom, how long do you think they'll be out there? I did bring them something to eat earlier and it looks like the twins are about to lose it." Lilly said as we looked at them through the window

I sighed, "I don't know Lilly, I wish they would come in already. I know they're tired and hungry."

"The twins want to come in but Jermy's not gonna let them, poor things." She said shaking her head

"I just wish they would listen to each other and maybe reach some sort of compromise."

"You know how dad is, it's either his way or his way. There's no compromising or discussion, what he wants he gets."

I sighed and put my head in my hands, "I know and that's the killing part about it. Neither is willing to budge for the other."

"You might as well consider them a loss cause. If Jermy's not gonna come back because dad won't listen to him then you can forget about them coming back, but it'll be a miracle if he does."

I knew she was right, it would be a miracle if Jeremiah decided to come back inside even if Ryan listened to him or not. I went outside to where they were because I'm ready for this whole thing to be over

"The three of you have been out here all day and all night long. It's time to end this already." I said

"Then all of this would've been for nothing."

"I get you want to stand up for your rights, but this has gone too far. How far are you actually willing to go through with this? You dragged your not so innocent brothers into this and who's gonna be next?"

"Mom, we're totally innocent. We didn't know he was gonna fly off the handle like that." Isaiah said

"Well you two were in on the whole rebellion thing and now that you're in it you can't go anywhere until your elected leader says it's time to stop this."

"Technically, we didn't elect him, he just had a solid plan that we agreed with and he just kinda took charge." Zayn said

"Either way you're all in this together whether you wanted it to be this way or not. I thought maybe if I came out here and try and talk some sense into you, that maybe you'll just forget about this whole thing. You know how your father is and you're just like him, the both of you are very stubborn and believe that your way is the best way ever. I know it's not easy to put up with it all the time but you have to understand that he's your father and whatever he says, it goes. I just want you to get out of selfish mode and think long-term, if you do what he says then it'll be easier for you. But if you keep doing stuff like this, you'll find out that you're only making it harder for yourself." I said and I went back in the house. I just hope that he listens to me.

Throughout the night all I could think about was why don't Jeremiah just give up this never ending fight. I know we taught him to never give up on what you believe and don't let anyone change you from what you believe, but this time my hands are tied.

"Mom you finished eating?" Diana asked drawing me out of my thoughts

"Yeah I'll finish the rest of it later, you can put it in the fridge for me." I said handing her my plate of food

"Val what's wrong? You barely touched your food." He said as he sucked his teeth

"How can you eat when your sons are outside and you're acting like you don't care." I said

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