84. Do we have to?

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~Valerie's POV~

The next morning had came and I know Jeremiah has been dreading this, but Ryan refuses to sit back and let it go. "Are you sure you're okay to go?" I asked him

"Yes I'm fine, I feel much better and I'm getting my energy back."

"That's good honey, why don't you just stay here and rest some more, I'll handle it." I said rubbing his arm and he shook his head

"Nope cause the both of you won't do anything, you won't say nothing, he won't say nothing. I will not sit back and let my son get jumped on if I know I can at least do something about it."

"Ok ok, you do what you deem is right but please do not go overboard."

He scoffed, "You just have my back."

"I'm gonna always have your back, but I know sometimes you can take things a little too far."

"Yeah, I'll do what I can." He said getting up to go to the bathroom

I got out of the bed and went over to the kids room to wake them up, "Mom, is dad still gonna go through with this?"

"I'm afraid so."

He groaned and put his hands over his face, "He's doing this for your safety, he wants you to get the best education without any interference."

"Alright, but I think he should let it go."

"You and me both, but this is your father we're talking about. Once he has an idea in his head, it's hard to get it out."


"You know what dad I just remembered, I promised that I would come in early and restack the books from yesterday, I think I better go now." Jeremiah said trying to get away but Ryan caught him by his book bag

"You're not going anywhere until this issue is resolved." Jeremiah huffed and sat next to Lilly

""It's okay Jermy, when you get home today you can help me rearrange my dolls." He just looked at her and shook his head while she laid her head on his shoulder

"Mr. James will see you now." The kids got up and Jeremiah took his time and was slowly walking then Ryan pushed him along.

I sat down in the seat with Lilly in my lap as Jeremiah was in the middle all slouched down and Ryan on the other side. "Mr and Mrs. Praninsky, what can I do for you today?"

"Yesterday, Jeremiah came home with some scratches on his face and his shirt was messed up and he said he was involved in a fight because a group of boys were picking on him and this other kid." I said

"Jeremiah, did you tell the teacher?"

"I did but she didn't do anything so I just left it alone." Jeremiah answered

"So what are you going to do about this since the teacher didn't do anything." Ryan asked

"I'm afraid there's not much I can do."

"Not much you can do?! These kids are telling my son that his mother, my wife is a whore and she goes and sleeps with other men for money and these boys are claiming that their dads and uncles slept with her too, so you're telling me that you're condoning that?!"

"No I'm not condoning that at all, I'm just saying there's not much to go on."

"And I'm just sayin that this isn't right! My son deserves to be treated fair and have the opportunity to an education just like all the rest of these kids here. Now I want you to find out whoever these kids are, to let their parents know that if they mess with my son again, I will not hesitate to press charges for slander and emotional distress."

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