124. The Bear

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Dylan had been in his room for quite some time now, every since he's been in from school; He first started working on some science homework, then moved to history and saved math for last.

Everything was going good and making sense to him until he started to get further down on the math page. "Aye Yo." Zayn said while he peeped his head around the corner at Dylan. "Just wanted to let you know that we're home now."

Dylan smiled, "Great! Where's Isaiah?"

"He's right here, looking stupid." Zayn pointed

"If I look stupid, then so do you." Isaiah said as Dylan giggled "Just wanted to give you a heads up and let you know that pops isn't in a very good mood."

"And it has nothing to do with us this time! At least I don't think." Zayn said

"I think if it did have something to do with us, we would have heard and or felt it by now."

Zayn shook his head, "True."

"So what does that mean?" Dylan asked unsure

"We're not exactly sure what it means ourselves, but we have learned from personal experience not to mess with him when he's in a mood. You can easily tell when he's not at his best and the greatest thing you can do to avoid his wrath is simply don't talk to him unless he talks to you first, and this should last about a good two to three hours at best." Isaiah explained and Dylan began to get a little scared

"Also, whatever you're normal speaking voice is, drop that down about two notches because he can hear everything. And if he just so happens to walk by, just look busy or like you're learning something. Whatever you do, do not fall asleep with a book open and the pencil still in your hand because there will be consequences for that." Zayn added

"Speaking of consequences, we better go start on this homework before dad comes up here and starts yelling and I'm sorry, but I'll immediately throw you under the bus because I do not want a whipping." Isaiah said before walking away

"Aww see, that's cold. I wouldn't do you like that. We'll be in my room if you need us." Zayn said to Dylan and left his room

This made Dylan feel very unsettling, he already felt he had to walk on eggshells and now with the slightest slip up or aggravation, it's back to the mad house with his horrible father and uncaring mother. He wanted to do everything in his power to never ever go back and to keep Ryan and Valerie happy.

The words and numbers on the page began to jumble up and none of this was making any sense to him. He struggled to make sense of it all, but he just couldn't figure out what the problem is asking. Even though everyone is very nice to him and wouldn't mind helping him out, it's just that he's embarrassed. He wishes he could be up there where everyone else is, but it's going to take some work

He read over the question multiple times and still nothing had popped in his head. Finally, he decided to go get some help and ask the twins if they wouldn't mind explaining the problem to him. He went over to Zayn's room and knocked on the door, while Zayn got up and opened the door. "Sorry to bother you guys, but I need some help." He said

"No worries, what do you need with?" Zayn asked

"This math homework, I don't really know what to do." He said showing Zayn the paper as Zayn scrunched up his face

"I don't do math, I avoid it at all cost. Saiah, what about you and this math?" Zayn asked looking over at Isaiah as he sat at the desk with his back turned

"Eww math! Kill it with big spray!"

"I thought you were the smart one in math." Zayn said

"Nope, that would be Diana. I hate math just as much as you do." Isaiah answered

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