67. Shocked

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~Valerie's POV~

The trip was absolutely amazing! I had a wonderful time, during the rest of the week we went out to other parks, bought souvenirs, took pictures and went swimming in the pool, we truly had an amazing time.

Now it's back to the norm, I had two doctors appointments today and the first one I had this morning was quick but afterwards I had to go pick up Jeremiah from my parents house because they had to go somewhere, so I asked Addison did she mind watching Jeremiah for me while I finish up my last appointment

"Good evening Mrs. Praninsky how are you today?" The doctor asks coming in the room

"I'm fine, just ready for this new IUD." I smiled

Her smiled dropped as she sat in the chair, "Mrs. Praninsky, there seems to be a slight problem which results in me taking you off the IUD."

"Why? What what's wrong? Am I okay?"

"Mrs. Praninsky, you're fine. Earlier this morning when you took the urine sample and we found out that you're pregnant."

My head started to spin, "No that can't be right, you have to run that again. It must be a mistake. I'm not pregnant." I said not believing it

"We ran the sample four different times with four different tests and they're all saying the same thing."

"So what are you saying?! The IUD didn't work?! What happened? It's been working all the other times."

"At the time of conception, it could possibly be that it wasn't effective."

"So that's it, I really am pregnant?" I said with disbelief

"Yes I'm afraid you are about a month along. I will schedule to see you in a months time to check on you and the baby."

"Ok." I said quietly

"Congratulations!" She said happily

I hopped down from the table, "Thank you." I said putting on a weak smile. Great, just great. The is honestly the last thing I wanted to be right now, I will love my baby with all my heart, but now is just not the best of times.

I left out of the back and went up to the waiting area where Addison and Jeremiah was, "There's mommy!" Addison said to Jeremiah while pointing at me, "So how did everything go?"

"I'm pregnant."

Her face lit up with a big smile, "Val! That's great! Congratulations! Why aren't you as excited?"

"It wasn't supposed to happen this way, I was supposed to wait." I said as we left out of the office and went outside to the car

"What do you mean?"

"I wasn't supposed to get pregnant again until Ryan and I both agreed that we were ready to have another kid."

"Things happen sometime for a reason, maybe you're both ready."

I shook my head, "No, no. He specifically said no surprises. Agh! He's going to kill me!" I said holding the sides of my head

"I think you have the wrong idea about this. He could've changed his mind and haven't told you about it."

"Once he has his mind set on something, it's hard for him to change it."

"Just tell him, the longer you put it off the worse the situation will become. Just be open and upfront about everything."

I sighed, "I will and if you don't hear from me in a few days, check the ocean, the woods near our house, and even the backyard."

She laughed, "You are taking this thing way too far, you let your imagination run wild way too much."

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