40. Growing boy

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~Valerie's POV~

It's been four months now and during this time Jeremiah has been trying to sit up on his own and scoot his way around. He tries so hard to crawl, but he just can't seem to push himself hard enough. When he does try, he scoots himself up and tips over. He then tries to sit up, but that usually ends with him rolling over on his side.

The three of us are now in the limo going with Ryan to one of his 'meetings' but Jeremiah and I aren't going with Ryan but just sitting in the car

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The three of us are now in the limo going with Ryan to one of his 'meetings' but Jeremiah and I aren't going with Ryan but just sitting in the car. The reason we came is because we're taking Jeremiah to see Ryan's parents, we normally take him almost once a week, but Ryan's been so busy lately that this is the only time we can take him.

So far I've lost half of the baby fat and I still have a good ways to go. I'm so ready to get back into my old clothes. Right now I'm holding Jeremiah as he tries to pull my hair and scratch me in the face. I have to constantly move and all he does is look at me while he drools with his mouth open and make bubbles when he giggles. "Don't pull mommy's hair, pull daddy's." I said pointing at Ryan

He looks at Ryan who unbuttons his suit jacket and takes the gun out of his holster and sets it on the seat. Jeremiah leans over to reach for the gun, but I pull him back. "No sweetie you can't play with that." He whines as I pull him back and he still tries to lean forward.

"Jeremiah, come to daddy." Ryan stretches his hands out towards Jeremiah and he leaps in his hands. Ryan bounces Jeremiah on his lap as he giggles and leans to get the gun. Ryan leans him back on his chest and grabs the gun.

Jeremiah leans forward to get the gun while Ryan holds it, "Ryan don't let him play with that."

"It's alright, he won't do anything."

"Ryan this is poor parenting, you can't let him play with a gun."

"I'm not going to let him play with it." He spins the gun around like an airplane and puts it behind his back. He sticks out his hand in front of Jeremiah and he looks around at Ryan.

"Where did it go Jeremiah?" Ryan reaches down in the baby bag and gets Jeremiah's toy, hands it to him and then he starts chewing on it. He starts banging the toy on Ryan's leg and he tries to get Ryan's watch. "Are you trying to get daddy's watch? Daddy will get you one just like mine."

"You're going to buy him a thousand dollar Rolex?" I asked looking at him

"Maybe not that expensive, but I'll get him one." He said brushing back Jeremiah's curls with his hand.

The car stopped and Ryan handed Jeremiah back to me, "I'll be back in a minute." He grabbed the gun from behind his back and put it back in the holster and buttoned up his jacket. "Be good for mommy." He kissed Jeremiah on the head and kissed me on the cheek and got out the car.

I put Jeremiah down on the seat to let him scoot around with the toy in his hand. He'd tip over and fall on his side, so I would set him on his back as he kicked his feet up and shake his toy around. I'd tickle him on his stomach or blow on it until he'd grabbed the top of my hair and pull it. "Ouch! That hurt!" He'd dig his nails in my scalp and pull, I'd grab his hand and un ball his fist to get my hair back. He'd laugh and cluck me upside the head with the toy.

"Why do you abuse me, son?" I ask trying to get him to let go of my hair. I get up and I smooth my hair back and put it in a ponytail, "No more pulling my hair." I said shaking my finger at him

After a while I changed his diaper and I gave him a bottle, he was about to fall asleep when the door opened and Ryan got back in the car. He smiled and started reaching for Ryan and Ryan grabbed him and kissed him on the forehead. "Did you miss me?" Jeremiah smiled and tried to pull himself up by grabbing the front of Ryan's suit.

"He went to sleep yet?" Ryan asked looking at me

"No, he was going to but then he saw you and got all excited."

"At least tonight he will be good and tired." He said unbuttoning his jacket and the first two buttons on his shirt. Jeremiah noticed the small gold necklace and he went to grab it, but scratched Ryan on the neck.

"Ow! When was the last time you cut his nails." He asked taking Jeremiah's hand away from his neck

"Last week sometime, but they grow back so quick. If I think about it, I'll cut them tonight while he's sleeping."

Ryan sat Jeremiah down on his lap while he played with Ryan's hand and tried sticking his fingers in his mouth. Jeremiah burped and then he threw up a little on Ryan's hand, "Valerie hand me the towel, he threw up on my hand." I reached in the bag for the towel and I tossed it to Ryan. He wiped his hand and the front of Jeremiah's onesie.

"Now my hand is going to smell like milk and throw up."

"It won't be so bad, at least he didn't pee on you."

"That would be another story." He said while Jeremiah continued to play around with Ryan's hand.

We made it to Ryan's parents house and all week long they have been calling and texting saying they can't wait to see Jeremiah again and I know he's going to be happy to see them as well.

"Finally you've made it! Vlad they're here! Come in!" Lina rushed us in the house and immediately took the car seat from my hand.

"Oh look at my grandson! Isn't he the cutest!" She squealed with excitement

Vlad came downstairs and rushed over to Lina to look at the baby, "Look at him!" He said

Ryan and I just stood there awkwardly as they ogled the baby. Ryan cleared his throat, "Well I guess no ones happy to see us." He said

"Oh I'm so sorry dear, it's just that the baby is so cute and I'm sorry. How are you two?" Lina said setting the car seat on the couch and giving us a hug

"We're good ma. How about you and dad?"

"Great, he just won't shut up about what to buy Jeremiah for his birthday, he wants to buy him one of those cars with the battery to it."

"Dad he can't even walk yet and his birthday is eight months from now."

"Teach them while they're young, they won't forget." He said getting Jeremiah out of the car seat

"Yeah but one, that's pretty young dad."

"It wouldn't hurt to at least try." He said while bouncing Jeremiah up and down

Ryan rolled his eyes and shook his head, "There's no getting through to you." He murmured

"I made lunch, I even made Jeremiah something too." Lina said

Ryan sighed, "Mom, he doesn't have any teeth."

"It's not anything solid. And we can put it in the blender." She said going into the kitchen

"Y'all come on and get some!" Vlad said going into the kitchen with Jeremiah.

Ryan sighed and ran a hand over his face, "I just don't know about them sometimes." I smiled and put the diaper bag next to the seat and took out Jeremiah's bottle

"Come on it'll be fun." I said grabbing Ryan's hand and going into the kitchen.

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