74. In trouble..

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~Valerie's POV~

The next day I was excited about this surprise that Ryan has for me, I've been racking my brain all night long trying to figure out what the surprise really is. I have my bag packed and I'm ready to see what's the big secret.

"Can't you tell me now? The day is young and I'm tired of guessing." I asked while we both got in the limo

"Nope, just be patient the surprise is almost here so no worries."

"You do realize that this is torture, you're hanging a dire surprise over my head and this is just rucidious!"

He looked at me and started laughing, "I get it, you got that from Lil Rel, and Mr. Humphrey. Well let me tell you Valerie, the way you're acting this morning is very rucidious!"

"Ryan you bogus as hell! Why you doin this to me? I don't deserve any of this, fam." I said in my Lil Rel voice

He put his hand over his heart, "You're killing me, smalls!"

"Ok so my surprise, is it something that I'm going to enjoy?"

"Of course, it will be something to remember."

"Is that really all you're going to give me for clues on what the surprise is?"

"Yes, I don't want to give away too much otherwise it takes the fun out of the thing. Just know that you're going to love it." He said looking at me

I sighed, "Alright, I'm done with asking questions, but I'm still putting the clues together in my head. So how did the kids react when you told them that we weren't picking them up tonight."

"Jeremiah was happy but he asked did Lilly have to stay and I said yes then he went into his selfish mood and said okay."

"Gee, I wonder where he gets that from?" I said looking at Ryan

"Alright I'll admit, I can be a little selfish at times.."

"A little? Try a whole lot."

"Okay, okay it happens quite often but what can you say, he's my boy." He shrugged

"There is no denying that he's your son, but I just hope that he inherits your good side rather than the bipolar, short-tempered psychotic side."

He scoffed, "I am not bipolar."

"On a very good day you're not, but I can't say the same for other days. How do I know that you won't snap at any given moment."

"I don't know and honestly I can't even answer that question myself, but I do have self control."

I slightly smiled at him, "You don't know how good that makes me feel right now."

"You and your sarcastic humor." He chuckled

"It's what gets me through the day."

We pulled up to a beautiful hotel with wonderful scenery that overlooks the beach, "Ok so my surprise must be at the beach, right?"

"No, not on the beach."

"I don't understand, we're at a hotel that overlooks the beach and you asking me to marry you is out of the question, so what could it be?" I began to break it down out loud to myself

"I thought you weren't gonna ask anymore questions regarding your surprise."

"I know but, the beach threw me off I thought I figured it out. Wait I got it! Is it a second honeymoon?"

"Ahh, no. But very nice guess." He smiled

"This isn't funny, I think you're stringing me along."

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