52. Late night show

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~Valerie's POV~

We heard the front door close, so we all got off the bed and went into the living room, "You're back after you abandoned us." Tristyn said

"Sorry, I left early and you all were still sleeping and I didn't want to wake you."

"That was very kind of you, but we kinda wanted to go." Sierra said

"You can see all the free stuff I got!" She handed us the bags and we ciphered through them

"You totally missed Ryan singing to Valerie, it was so sweet!" Sierra said smiling

"Ryan sung to you? What did he sing?" Addison asked

"Nothing, don't listen to her." I said avoiding the question

"Yea he did, if you be good to me, oh I'll be good to you, and we'll both ride home in my automobile!"

"Sierra! It was a joke, he was only kidding I promise." I said to Addison

"He sung automobile and I missed it?! That's one of your favorite Eazy E songs."

"I know." I said dryly

"Cheer up Val, maybe you can spit some bars for us." Tristyn said putting her arm around my shoulder

I looked at her weirdly, "I never told you I could spit some bars."

"Nate told me, he says you're favorite rapper is Tupac and you know almost all his songs. You're favorite is How do you want it."

"Oh my God! He told you that?!"

"Yea and that you tried to break dance one time and almost broke your neck. I'm sorry but, I thought that was pretty funny." She said laughing and then Addison and Sierra joined in

"You never told us about you almost breaking your neck breakdancing." Addison said between laughs

"Because it's an embarrassing story and I think it's too personal for me to tell you."

"Aw come on, we've been friends forever and nothing is too personal for us." Sierra said

"Yea we've been through everything together." Addison said

"Alright I'll tell you. I wanted to learn how to break dance so I looked it up on YouTube. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly all that prepared for it so I just jumped right in and bam! Almost cracked my neck in half."

Both Addison and Sierra tried so hard not to laugh but failed miserably. They balled over laughing and holding their stomachs because they were laughing so hard. "I'm sorry, we don't mean to laugh but it's just so funny!" Addison said

"Yea no matter what, we still love you despite your mishaps." Sierra said wiping tears from her eyes

"Thank you Tristyn for bringing that up and thank you two for making me feel better on the inside. This is what life is truly about." I said sarcastically while sitting down on the couch

"Ok we're sorry, if it makes you feel that bad we won't laugh at you anymore." Addison said sitting next to me

"Since when did you take anything I say seriously? You're not getting soft on me now, are you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow

"I know how sensitive you can be and cynical you can be as well." She said giving me a side hug

"Did you know that Ryan made 1.3 million dollars today." Sierra said

"And how do you know that?"

"Because Tristyn and I asked Val to put her and Ryan on speakerphone so we can hear what they talk about."

"That's a little invasive, don't you think?"

"No not when you have permission, so technically it's okay."

"Did you ask to borrow any of the 1.3 million?"

"Oh hell naw! With borrowing, you know you have to give it back and I don't have that kind of money. If I did need to borrow some money, I would ask Val to do it for me and I'll just give her the money."

"Why me? How did I get dragged into this?"

"Because it won't be a big deal if you asked to borrow some money and besides you're married to him."

"True, but he would begin to question why I'm borrowing money and he will not give it to me."

"Can't you sneak some out of the bank account?"

"No, we have joint accounts and most of the money is in his name."

"So there isn't another way of getting around that?!"

"There's Tristyn, why don't you ask her." I said averting the attention towards Tristyn

She came back in the living room with a glass of water, "I heard my name, what did I miss? I left at joint accounts." She said sipping her water

"How would you get money from Nate for me to borrow."

She pondered on the question, "I could try the bank account, but eventually he would notice so that will be a faulty plan. Other than that, I got nothing."

"This has turned into a very interesting conversation." Addison said

"No kidding, who knew talking about me breakdancing could lead to how to ask for money." I said

Later that night after dinner, we went out to go see the late night show of Cirque du Soleil. I've always wanted to see them live because they can do some pretty cool stuff and I've wanted to try it out or be one of the ones to go up on stage.

I was taking pictures left and right without anyone noticing, I even got one of Sierra with her mouth wide open and Tristyn with a spaced out look on her face. "I see you taking pictures of me, I know a couple of those are embarrassing." Sierra yelled out over the loud music

"You know it! It looks like you're at a heavy metal concert." I yelled back. She had on dark denim jeans, a Mötley Crüe t-shirt and a spray painted jean jacket

"Excuse me, not everyone can be as modest as you."

Tristyn was having the time of her life as she swayed back and forth while snapping away on her phone, "Enjoying yourself?!"

She looked at me and smiled, "Yes! I see why you like this, it looks kinda cool. I think I want to try it to."

"Now all we need is to take a pole dancing class." I said laughing

"Would you take one for real?! I mean why not, it's something that will get you out of the house."

"True, but won't our husbands think we are trying to be strippers?!"

"Let them think what they want, but I want to take that class."

"Eager beaver! We'll have to look in on that!"

"Great! Right now I wanna know how I can get up there on that stage." Ooh Tristyn..


We arrived back at the hotel at two in the morning and I was worn out. We went back to the gift shop and showed Addison the Turd hat and we even let her try it on. Tristyn actually bought the titty cup and as soon as we got in the room, she filled it with water and started drinking from the nipple.

"I haven't been this sleepy and hyped up in a long time." I said

"Me neither, I feel like I'm nineteen again." Sierra said

"Shockingly, it wasn't that long ago." I said

"I'm so tired, I could go to sleep on this table." Addison said getting on the table and curling up

"Yo! Get off the table, we eat there!" Sierra said pulling her up while Addison just laughed

"I'm going to bed you guys, I'll see you maybe in a few hours." Tristyn said going to her room with her titty cup

"Goodnight." We all said

"I'm going to, I've had my fun for tonight." I said heading to my room

"Goodnight Val, she ya in the morning my love." Addison said

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