132. Tainted

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"I really appreciate all your help, I didn't know how I was going to move that big painting out of the way." Valerie said to Kyle as they were walking back from the elevator

"Oh no problem, it was the least I could do."

"Sorry I kept you out all night, I know you must be tired. I'll see you tomorrow, you have a good night." Valerie waved as she headed towards Ryan's office to grab her coat to go home, but the door opened and Ryan came out with an annoyed facial expression

"Where've you been?" He asked with his arms folded blocking the door


"Don't give me that what shit! Where've you been?! I've been calling you all damn day and you don't pick up the fucking phone! Where have you been!" He yelled

"I think you need to calm down."

"No! Ain't no calming down! I ask you a question, and I want an answer. I'm not going to ask again, where have you been?!" He demanded with his eyes narrowed at her

"Alright! I was out looking at paintings at the arts museum and then I came back an hour ago moving stuff around downstairs. There, you happy now!?" She said back as she tried to push past him but he wouldn't budge

"So that constitutes for you not answering the phone?!"

"I must've had the ringer down, sorry!" Kyle was on his way out with Reece but he overheard Ryan and Valerie arguing and by the sound of it, it didn't sound like a normal argument.

"Come on man, let's go." Reece said beginning to head towards the elevator

"No wait, you see them over there fighting." Kyle pointed out as Reece sighed

"Yes, I see it. But it's not any of our business, just let them handle it."

"I can't just stand by and let him yell at her like that, I should go say something." Kyle insisted

"No, leave them alone. Stay out of their business, it will only get worse if you go try to be a superhero." Reece said as Valerie began to walk off, but Ryan roughly grabbed Valerie by the arm and snatched her back as she asked for him to let her go

"Ok, now I have to go say something, that's not right." Kyle said as he quickly walked over to the two as they continued to go back and forth

"No Ryan! And let me go!" Valerie said as she tried to pull away from him but he kept a firm grip

"Is everything alright over here?" Kyle asked walking up to them

"Yeah everything's fine. Just having a little talk with her." Ryan said

"No! Everything is not fine, why don't you tell him what a jerk you're being." Valerie said as Ryan got angrier and got in her face while pointing at her

"You know what-" He started but Kyle stepped in

"Wait, you don't have to get that upset with her. There's no reason to get violent." Kyle said as Ryan narrowed his eyes at him

"I don't remember this having anything to do with you! Why don't you go mind your business and I'll worry about mines. This doesn't concern you!"

"Stop with the yelling!" Valerie snapped "He's only trying to help."

He eyed her for a second and let her go, "Only trying to help? I get it now. This is the one that you're replacing me with?! You spend all your free time with him, stay out late, have fun, just doing whatever you wanna do." He said sarcastically

"It's not even like that." She said

"Oh I bet it is. But you know what, you can go on and have your little fun because I don't give a fuck anymore." He said pushing her towards Kyle

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