42. Acceptance

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~Ryan's POV~

I just had got home with Jeremiah and as expected, Valerie wasn't back yet. I figure when she gets back, she'll be worn out so I'll give Jeremiah a bottle and put him down for a nap.

It's 3 and around this time he's at his sleepiest if he hasn't had a nap. It was quiet in the house so for Jeremiah going to sleep, it wouldn't be a problem. I took off my jacket, shirt and shoes and sat on the couch with Jeremiah in my arms.

I laid him on my chest as he sucked on his bottle and he would try his best to fight the sleep. Finally he went off to sleep when the bottle feel from his mouth and hit the couch. I sat it on the coffee table and I laid back on the couch. I was sleepy myself, so I figure why not take a nap.

I woke up around six with Jeremiah still sleeping on my chest. I woke him up and I gave him a bath and put him in the bouncer while I went to go make myself a sandwich. I watched TV for awhile until Jeremiah started whining, so I took him out of the bouncer and sat him up on the couch with me while I gave him a toy to play with.

He would crawl over on me and try to grab my sandwich, "No Jeremiah, you can't have my sandwich." He would reach for it again, but I would pull it further away from him

There was a knock at the door and I grabbed Jeremiah while I stuck the whole sandwich in my mouth, Jeremiah tried to pull it out but I shook my head no. I opened the door and it was Nate with an angry look on his face but turned confused, "Dude you that hungry?"

I took the sandwich out my mouth with my free hand, "No he tried to get it so I put the whole thing in my mouth."

"You couldn't just put it down?"

I thought about it and that would've made better sense, "I didn't think about it, I'm hungry alright. Anyway, what are you doing here at this time, Val's not back yet." I said going back to the living room

"I know and that's why I came over here. They're gone!"

I sat on the couch and looked at him jokingly, "Nah man they just went to the mall, they should be back soon. Is that what Tristyn told you that they went somewhere else?" I said smiling

"No, I know where they went but they were taken!"

My smiled dropped a little and I looked at him curiously, "Did Valerie send you over here to get me back for what I did on April Fools Day?"

"I'm serious, both Valerie and Tristyn are gone! Someone took them."

"How do I know this isn't a joke?" I said while eating my sandwich

He pulled out a CD from his pocket and set it on the table, "Watch that."

I looked at the blank disk and I put it in my laptop and started the video. It started with Tristyn putting some bags in the trunk of Valerie's car and a black expedition pulling up behind her and a man getting out. She turned around and started backing away and then took off running.

Valerie came out of nowhere and grabbed Tristyn by the hand and struck out running, her inner track star came to the forefront. She dodged a man from her right side but he grabbed Tristyn and Val came back and started kicking and punching the guy from the back while Tristyn did the same with his front.

He let Tristyn go and both of them started out to run, but two guys grabbed them. The camera zoomed in and both were struggling to get loose, but the guy holding Tristyn stuck a needle in her neck and she went limp and he tossed her in the car. Valerie kept fighting them, but the one holding her stuck a needle in her neck and she went limp.

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