108. This is it

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Days passed and Valerie keep receiving gifts from who she presumes it to be from Ryan. First it was flowers, and sweet love cards now it's a silk nightie with a low dip in the back that stops at the her crack.

She figured it was from Ryan because of all the sweet things he's been saying to her lately and how he just shrugs off the gifts as if they were no big deal, but Ryan himself is starting to see a trend in the whole secret gift thing

Although he hasn't said anything about it, but he doesn't like whoever is sending these gifts. Not that it's making him look bad, but the overall message of the gift of itself.

Ryan was at the office as usual and today was a modest day for him, not too fast or slow but just right. Soon Levi came in and he was all smiles. "Yo what up my big homie!" He said

"And the day just keeps getting better." Ryan said

"What's up with you man? I don't see you anymore." Levi said sitting down in the chair

"Well, if you were married like I am then you would know that she comes before everything."

"Don't criticize me because I haven't settled down yet, but when I do I'll make sure to come to you for advice." He smiled

"So what did you come down here for? I know it wasn't just to tell me that you missed me." He said getting up and getting himself some water

"Actually I came down here for this." He set on the desk a brown envelope with Ryan's name on it. "I don't know how it came to my house, but it did and I thought I should give it to you personally since it didn't have no return address on it or nothing."

Ryan picked up the envelope and looked at it, "Where did it come from?"

"I don't know, probably from the Gabuzo brothers or Johnny Salami." Levi giggled

"You're a funny guy." He said sarcastically

"Aw come on man, ain't you like one-fourth of Italian?"

"Yeah something like that."

"Then you should have a little Italian sense of humor, my job as your best friend is to make you laugh because to be quite honest, you don't have many friends since everyone else is afraid of you."

"And yet you've stuck around after all these years, even after you found out what I do for living."

"We boys and we're gonna always stay boys. Yeah so, you do some foul shit but who doesn't. Bottom line is, I've known you before you started this and I know there's good deep down inside of you. For others to see it, they have to get past the cold and malicious exterior but in the end, it's worth while." Levi smiled

"Well I appreciate those wonderful words, truly touching." He said patting his chest

"No problem, well I'm gonna get on out of here and I'll catch you later man." Levi said getting up

"Alright you do that and thank you for whatever this is." He said pointing at the envelope

As soon as Levi closed the door, Ryan carefully opened the envelope. When he unsealed the top fold, he stuck his hand inside and started to pull out various photos.

On those photos, were shots taken of Valerie in different poses, places and some of them only him and Valerie know about. One of them was of her in Cancún as she smiled at the camera. The next one was of her when she was pregnant with Lilly and Ryan just got out of jail not to long ago as they went out to eat

Another one showed her at the house with a thong bikini on and the picture zoomed in on her butt. This infuriated Ryan and he wanted to turn everything in his office upside down. He figured whoever this person is could be watching the house right now and no one would even know it

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