120. The Weekend

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The sun shined through the curtains onto Dylan's face as he squirmed around in the bed and then sat up with his eyes closed as he stretched his stuff muscles. He opened his eyes and became even more relaxed as he realized what happened to him last night, was not a dream.

The door was still cracked from last night, but he was afraid to get up and go find Valerie because he figured he'd get lost in this huge house, so he decided to stay there until she came back for him. He heard something or someone coming down the hallway, he saw the shadow on the floor but couldn't make out what it was.

As the sound grew closer, the door came open a little but he didn't see anybody. He peeped over the bed and saw the biggest dog he's even seen. Dylan scooted back in the bed in fear of the big scary looking dog. It came around to the side and stared up at Dylan as he was scared out of his mind by this huge dog, he wanted to yell for help but was afraid the dog might attack him

The dog jumped up on the bed and was right in front of Dylan, he screeched in fear and coward away as the dog started to bark at him. He covered half of his face with one of the pillows as he wanted the scary looking dog to leave him alone.

He didn't notice anyone had walked in the room as he was too focused on the dog not biting him. "Spike, Спускаться." A voice said as the dog stopped barking and leaped off the bed. (Get down)

Dylan was met with piercing eyes like Ryan and the striking resemblance of him as well except he was younger and had a darker complexion. The dog went to his side and sat there as he tried to figure the little boy out and wondered who is he and how did he get there. "Возвращайтесь в моей комнате" He commanded as the dog began to whimper
(Go back in my room)

He sighed, "Хорошо. Пребывание, но не двигаются."
(Fine. Stay, but don't move.)

Dylan was confused and still a little frightened by what's going on. He couldn't understand what he was saying and he didn't know whether to call for help or what. "Who are you?" Jeremiah asked and that surprised Dylan

"You speak English?" Dylan asked and that tickled Jeremiah

"Yeah I speak English, and I guess you do to."

"I'm Dylan."

"Hello Dylan, I'm Jeremiah. I know this may come off as a little insensitive but, what are you doing here?"

"Miss Valerie said that I could stay for the weekend."

"Oh, you must be with the twins, gotcha."

Dylan looked at him confused, "What twins?"

"Isaiah and or Zayn. If you didn't know they're twins."

"I don't know them." He said and Jeremiah started to laugh

"I don't judge who you make friends with, I won't call you weird because you chose to hangout with my weird brothers and I won't tell them that you claimed you didn't know them."

"I'm serious, I don't know them."

"Ok, we'll go with that." He said as Valerie walked in the room with Rocky under her arm as Spike started to bark at him

"Oh stop being so jealous." She said as she set Rocky down and went over to Dylan. "How did you sleep last night?"

"Good." He said and she smiled

"Great! I see you met my oldest son already, was he nice to you?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Come on ma, I'm always nice." Jeremiah said and she pursed her lips

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