86. Soccer Star

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~Valerie's POV~

"I just don't understand why she keeps going that way! It's a dead end! And she knows the killer is behind her!" Ryan said. We are in the living room watching a horror movie while I'm sitting on the couch with my feet propped up on the table and Ryan is laying down with his head in my lap

"You can't think straight when you're afraid, honey." I said rubbing his arm

"Yeah but this is the third time she's done this! You would think after the first time after almost getting your damn head cut off you would learn some sense." The girl had momentarily gotten away from the killer and she went another way. As expected, she turns around and looks for the guy and then when she starts back running, she runs right into the killer

"Ugh! This fucking bitch is dumb as fuck! She just needs to die already. This just makes me wanna go through the TV and kill this bitch myself, I'm so sick of her running around and screaming all the damn time." He said fussing at the TV

"You're so vulgar today, this is the most I've heard you drop the F bomb at home when the kids are here."

"Yeah well, this dumb bitch is getting on my nerves." The killer finally caught up with the woman and started to kill her. When this happened, Ryan burst out laughing, "Ah hah, finally the dumb bitch is dead! I hope he fucks your face up, making me wait this damn long for you to die."

"Mom, dad; is it okay if I play soccer?" Jeremiah asked as he came in the living room and stood by the couch

"Yeah it's fine, just stay where we can see you." Ryan said still focusing on the TV

"No I mean can I join the soccer team?"

"Your school has a soccer team?" I asked

"They do, but I'm not old enough to be on that one just yet but I can do little league."

"Are you sure you're ready for something like that?" I asked

"Aw Yes! I knew it! Baby you owe me ten bucks, I told you that blonde girl was gonna get the axe. Now look at her, he ripped her head off." Ryan said excitingly, Jeremiah looked at the TV and grimaced at the sight of the girls head ripped from her body

"Ryan could you please pause that for a second." I said

"No baby it's just getting good, finally the idiots are being killed and it's amazing." I reached over and grabbed the remote and paused the TV

"Hey what did you do that for?" He whined

"Our son is standing right there and he doesn't need to see that."

He scoffed and looked at Jeremiah, "Just close your eyes, I promise it's not as bad as you think." He said and I hit him in the arm

"You're more than welcome to join the team." I said while ignoring Ryan staring at me

"Oh thanks mom! I'll be outside with Lilly." He said running off

"Why did you hit me?"

"You know why, it's not as bad as you think; why did you even say that?"

He smiled, "I was only kidding."

"Whatever, just start the movie so I can get my ten bucks back." I said


Today is Jeremiah's first soccer game and we are all just really excited for him. All week long he's been practicing non stop for this day and this is all he talks about is getting ready for the big game, well today is his time to shine.

I took the liberty of inviting everyone to come see Jeremiah play his first game and they were all super excited for him.

"Jermy are you nervous?" Lilly asked

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