15. Heed the warning

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~Jarred's POV~

Valerie finally decided that she was gonna return to her home and I thought it would be a great idea to help insure that her transition would go smoothly.

"Val I'm so glad you decided to come back home. I know it must be difficult for you right now."

"Yea, but day by day I'm making it. I just don't understand why this had to happen?"

"Things happen for a reason. It's probably for what's best considering who we're dealing with."

She looked at me confused, "What do you mean?"

"He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

I gently pulled her down on the sofa next to me, "Ryan Praninsky is a bad man. One of the most dangerous men in Russia. He's the son of a notorious mob boss and soon it will be passed on to him. To really understand what I'm talking about, think of Nathan except for Ryan is white and Russian. Characteristics are pretty much the same."

"Why wouldn't he tell me?" She said quietly

"Because he wants to control you. It's obvious that's what his intent was, why else would he not tell you."

"But why?"

"Who knows his intent, but I do know that you're safe now and he will no be able to have a hold on you again, I can promise you that, right now he's in jail where he belongs and he can't bother you."

"Thank you Jarred for telling me."

"No problem and if you need or want anything else, you let me know and I'll be right over." I got up from the sofa and headed to the door

Val followed behind and I turned around for a final goodbye and she gave me a hug, "I wouldn't trade you as a friend if someone paid me to. You're so loyal and your heart is always in the right place."

"Thank you Val, that means a lot coming from you." I gave her a small kiss on the forehead and I left. My plan of having Valerie is coming together! Soon she will me all mine!!

~Valerie's POV~

I thought about what Jarred said and now it's all making sense, no wonder his name sounded so familiar, and the way he could captivate me so easily. He does this for a living!

I do partially blame myself for being a little naive, but he had me feeling some type of way, a way that I've never felt before. I need closer and the right way is to face up with the problem.



I feel deep down that coming here was a mistake, maybe I should just turn around and walk back out the door. But it's too late, Ryan already came around the corner with his handcuffs and orange jumpsuit.

When he saw me, I thought I was gonna fall off the seat. He still has this hold on me that I can't seem to shake. He walks to the table and sits in front of me, he intently stares at me and I feel uncomfortable under his gaze so I put my head down.

He reaches over and puts his hand on top of mines and I feel a spark of electricity go through my body and chills from the touch of his hand, "посмотри на меня"
(Look at me)

I lift my head and I see the emotion and anger swirling around in his eyes, "Why didn't you tell me?" I said quietly

"When would've been the right time to tell you?"

"I don't know, how about when we agreed to be in a relationship, that would've been the perfect time."

"I couldn't lose you, I was afraid you wouldn't except me for who I truly am."

I snatched my hand away from his, "Is that what you say to all your women?"

"No Valerie, only you. What happened that day I still have no idea, but we can work on us."

"There is no us anymore. Jarred told me all about you and all that I needed to know."

He scoffed, "Jarred, did he also tell you that he's a fucking snake! Did he tell you that?!"

"You have some nerve calling someone else a snake! He's the one that's been there for me when I had no one else. Whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to, he's been there."

"I'm just saying, you don't really know him like you think you do."

"Ryan I didn't come here for you to tell me about my friend or to put him down because you're upset. I came here for closure, I wanted to let you know that what happened; I don't take it personal but it did hurt me because I thought we truly had something."

"Don't say that, we can work it out. I'm getting out in a couple of days and we can figure this thing out together."

"I don't know if I can. Goodbye Ryan." I got up from the table and I walked out of the building.

To say that was a hard thing to do would be an understatement. It was breaking my heart all over again. Maybe I'm just a fool in love.

I called up Jarred and told him what I had done and he applauded me for it. He said I was strong and courageous for standing up for myself and for what I want.

Next I called Sierra because she's been on my mind for a few days and when she found out about this whole situation, she was the most bummed. She really liked Ryan and thought we could've made it together as a couple. I invited her over to the house to just sit and talk about whatever comes to mind.

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