43. The plan

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~Ryan's POV~

[I am super tired and have a massive headache, but I wanted to post these two. My brain is melting!😩😩😩]

(4 days later)

I wasn't able to sleep these past few nights, I've been up all night long thinking about Valerie and wondering if she's alright or not. I've also been up and down because Jeremiah has been waking up and crying but I've put him down for the last time and he stayed sleep all night.

It's four in the morning and I'm pacing my office in basketball shorts and no shirt. I run my hands through my hair and I plopped down in the chair while I sigh in annoyance. My phone goes off and I answer it on the first ring, "Yeah."

"I found out who's behind this, it's Derrick Russell." Nate rasped out

"Let me guess, you didn't get any sleep either?" I said rubbing a hand over my face

"Not a bit, but that's okay because when I get my hands on Derrick he's gonna wish he never took Tristyn away from me."

"You know where he is?"

"No, but Drew has found one of his people. We're gonna see what he knows."

"I'm down, what time will that be?"

"An hour at Westside."

"I'll be there, but I'm going to drop Jeremiah off first."

"Alright man, see you in an hour." I got out of my chair and went into my room to put on a t-shirt and shoes and then I went Jeremiah's room to get his bag and fill it with clothes, diapers, food, and whatever else he might need.

I gently get him out of his crib and strap him in the car seat and grab the rest of his things. I head downstairs to the car and buckle him in and put his bags next to him and shut the door and go over to the drivers side and drive to my parents house.


The whole ride to the house all I thought about was Valerie, she's my heart and soul and if anything was to happen, all hell will break loose because I will go off. I get out of the car and I get Jeremiah and his bag out of the car and I make my way to the door.

I knocked on the door and a few minutes later my mom came to the door with a shocked expression, "Ryan what a surprise! I didn't think you would come today and especially at this time, it's almost five! Are you alright, you don't look so good?" She asked feeling my head

"Actually I'm not doing okay, where's dad?"

"He's in the kitchen, come in." She stepped aside to let me in and I walked further into the house when dad came out of the kitchen.

"Ryan what are you doing here?"

"I came to ask do the two of you mind keeping Jeremiah for awhile?"

"Of course we don't mind, we'd love to have him. Where's Valerie?" Mom asked taking the car seat and setting it on the couch

I set his bags on the floor next to the couch, "I don't know, someone took her and I'm going to go find out who did it."

"Oh my, I'm so sorry Ryan. When did this happen?" Mom asked sadly

"A few days ago. I can't sleep at night. This is all my fault.."

"Don't go blaming yourself, you'll get her back." Dad said

"Yeah but when? I don't even know if she's.."

"Don't say that! You will find Valerie! And when you do, you will make whoever did this pay! They will know not to ever cross a Praninsky!" Dad had a firm grip on my shoulder and a stern look on his face

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