34. The Escape

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~Valerie's POV~

Things haven't gotten any better, in some cases it's gotten worse. I already made up in my mind that I'm taking a vacation. I believe in working through your problems but that idea right now is like trying to move a brick wall, I just can't and won't do it.

I don't want to divorce Ryan because things like this happen in all relationships. I took a vow to stick by his side through thick and thin, good times and bad times. I knew that not everyday wasn't gonna be a good day, but I'm still gonna be a faithful wife to him. Also the number one reason why I won't divorce him, is because I love him. I wouldn't go through this if I didn't love him, he has my heart and he knows it. Some would say I'm a fool in love; I might be, but he's the only man that I've ever confessed any genuine feelings for.

I carefully planned everything out, I was gonna leave tonight and before I do, write a note saying that I went away for awhile and I'll be back in a few days. He probably won't be home until 1 in the morning so I don't have to argue with him before I go.

I woke up at 12, but didn't actually get out of bed until two, so I went in the closet and started packing my bag, earlier I straightened up the house and washed some clothes. I made sure to put enough clothes in the bag because I'm always changing clothes. I decide to take cash instead of my card because I'll easily give myself away as to where I'm at. I can't draw money from my account because he'll know that I'm up to something, so I sneak in his office and take some money from the bottom of his cigar box.

I took about $500 and I hide the money in the side pocket of the bag and I double check to make sure I have everything. I decide on taking a bubble bath and reading a book before I go. I run some bath water and I put some Jasmine and lavender in the water. I go over to my nightstand in the room and I get my new book I ordered; 11/22/63 by Stephen King. It talks about a guy named Jake who goes back in time to stop the assassination of Kennedy, it's really interesting and I can't wait to start reading.

I go back in the bathroom and cut the water off and strip out of my clothes and get in the tub with my book.


I've been in the tub for almost two hours now and I wouldn't get out now but the waters getting cold. I drained the water and I eased out and grabbed a towel to dry myself off. I put on my Elizabeth Arden lotion and perfume and I slip on a tank top and sweatpants.

I go downstairs to make myself a sandwich and put some food in Charlotte's bowl. I eat the sandwich on the couch and I eat it while watching Ghostbusters (who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!)

Anyway, after that I decided to go upstairs get my note ready and head out. I dug around the closet for a light jacket to cover up my tank top and some flats where I can just slide my feet in. I started writing the note when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I put my ear against the door and I heard a door open.

Of course he had to come home early of all days. I took the jacket off and used it to cover up my bag and I crumpled the paper up in my hands. The door swung open and he came in and kissed me on the head. "What are you doing home so early?"

"I didn't feel like staying the whole time, so I thought I'd come home and take a shower." No! He can't come home and take a shower! This was suppose to be my chance to get away, now my plans are ruined.

"Well, won't that mean you'll have to work more tomorrow?"

"Nah, I'll do some more stuff later tonight, but right now I need a break." He said going into the closet. 'You're not the only one.' I mumbled to myself.

Ok, so this setback my plans just a little bit, but by the time he leaves tonight I'm outta here. I'll just have to wait a little bit longer to finally enjoy myself.

It's twelve in the morning and Ryan's side of the bed is empty, and the light in the bathroom is out. I jump with glee and hop out of bed. I grab my phone and then I go over to the closet and put my jacket on and slid on the flats and I gingerly bent down to get my bag and throw my phone inside. I walk out the closet with some pep in my step, but I came to a halt and screamed a little when Ryan was standing right in front of me.

I quickly put the bag behind my back while he stood there yawning and scratching his crotch. "Where you goin?" He asked sleepily

"No where.." I said quickly

"You goin somewhere, you got a jacket on." He said looking me over. He saw the bag behind my back and snatched it away from me with an angry look on his face, "If you're going nowhere, why the hell do you need a bag for?!.. Are you trying to leave me?!" He asked in a menacing tone

"No, I'm not leaving you. I just need a break.."

"A break!? A break from what?!" He fumed

"From you! From this house! Everything! You keep me cooped up in this house all damn day and I have nothing to do! You're always mad or angry about something so I figure a little break would do us both some good."

He gritted his teeth, "Listen to me, you aren't going anywhere! Nor are you going to divorce me because you are mine! So whatever you had planned, it ends now! Because you aren't going anywhere until I say you can go somewhere!"

"I'm not going to let you bully me around this time. I want a break!!"

"I got your damn break. Now what you can do is get your ass in the bed right now." He said tossing my bag on the floor and going to the bed.

I stood there staring at the back of him. He stopped walking and turned his head around to look at me. He walked back to me and roughly grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him, "Did you not hear me woman?! I said get your ass in the bed right now!" He stared me down with his cold, menacing eyes. My bottom lip started to quiver because I was about to cry.

He let me go and I slowly took off my jacket and shoes and went to crawl in the bed. Once I reached my side I was yanked back and he forcefully draped his arm over my shoulder and settled his head in the crook of my neck. "You are mine forever." He said roughly. I laid there staring up at the ceiling as a single tear ran down my face.


I couldn't get any sleep, I still want to try and make a run for it, but I know it will be risky. I can't really do much because of Ryan's death grip hold on me; he's loudly snoring in my ear and he also drooled on the side of my face and down my neck and chest.

I try to gently sneak away from under him, but he noticed and tightened his grip on me. "Where you goin?"

"To the bathroom."

He loosened his grip and rolled over, "Hurry back." He gets comfortable in his new position and slowly starts to drift off. I go into the bathroom and put the lights on dim. I get a rag and wipe off my face, neck and chest of Ryan's drool. I reach in the cabinets and pull out a water bottle. I poke a hole in the top and I set it under the toilet seat, so it sounds like I'm peeing.

I cracked the door to see if Ryan had fallen back to sleep and he's moved over to my side, all sprawled out with his mouth open and snoring.

I left the bottle under the seat for a little while longer and then I took it out from under the seat and I peeped back in the room to see Ryan is still sleeping.

I left the light on while I crept back into the room and quietly put on my shoes and jacket. I bent down to get my bag and tip-toed out of the room. Ryan stirred in his sleep and grumbled, I stopped walking of in fear he would wake up and catch me sneaking away again. He settled back down into his sleep and I crept out the door.

I went down the stairs and headed for the garages. On the wall was the hook for keys. I intended on taking my car, but it was blocked in by his cars, so I took his Camaro instead. It's easy access for me and I don't have to worry about the garage doors waking up Ryan.

I fished around in my bag for my phone to turn off my iPhone locator because that will be the first thing that Ryan will check to try and find me. I turned it off and then I went out to the Camaro and threw my bag inside and started the car. As soon as the engine roared to life, I quickly put it in drive and drove away.

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