77. Loving and Caring

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~Valerie's POV~

I had gotten up early the next morning to go ahead and fix breakfast, I was planning on checking up on Nicole after I finished but she had already gotten up and had came in the kitchen

"Good morning Nicole, how'd you sleep last night?" I said

"I slept okay. Last night when I had went back upstairs I called my boyfriend and we decided that we wanted to work things out. Its been three days since we last seen or talked to each other and I think it's time for us to move past this."

"I'm glad you two have came to an agreement, but before you go why don't you have some breakfast and maybe we can do something afterwards."

"Ok, I'd like that. I can't remember the last time I went somewhere for the fun of it." She said fixing herself a plate

"I just want to get out the house for awhile and not worry about being drugged down the toy aisle." I said

"The joys of being a mommy. So what does Jeremiah think about starting school soon, he must be pretty excited." She said sitting down at the table with her food

"I really don't know how he's feeling, I ask him if he's ready and he always says no, but that's with every kid going to school they never want to go."

"I think once he goes and gets used to it, he'll love it."

"I don't have a doubt about that, he loves to have fun."

"Poor Lilly, she'll be all by herself because her brother will be gone to school."

"Don't you mean poor me, I'll be the one that has to listen to her nonstop until Jeremiah comes home from school."

She started laughing, "Is she really that bad?"

"Nah, she's a good kid. She reminds me a lot of myself when I was a little."

"She'll get used to it too, and soon she won't bug you as much."

"I hope so, that girl has a ton of energy and she will wear me out and she knows it." I said and Nicole started laughing

After Nicole and I went out and had a little fun time together, she left and I went back to the house to see what damage has been done. I walk in and I can hear the kids upstairs laughing and playing in the room.

I walk upstairs to go check on them and they are on the floor in Jeremiah's room playing with their toys, "Hey mom." He said

"Hey, what are you two playing?" I asked

"We're playing house, this is you mommy because she's pretty and has a dress on and this is Jeremiah because he smells." She said giggling

"Oh whatever Lilly, I'll take my stinky man and kick you in the pool."

"Well you two have fun and don't drown each other." I began to walk to the bedroom when I heard Ryan on the phone with the door open in his office, I peeped my head inside and he motioned for me to come in

He hung the phone up and gave me a big smile, "I have great news. I planned for us to go to Mississippi tomorrow and your parents agreed to watch the kids."

"Oh that's great! I can't wait to.. Wait, Mississippi? Why Mississippi?"

"We're going to see your family in Mississippi, isn't it great?!"

"No, I don't want to go to Mississippi, you have to change it!"

"But baby, you agreed to see the family." He said sheepishly

"No you said we were going to see your family, you didn't say anything about mines."

He shrugged, "What difference does it make? We're married, my family is yours and yours is mines, I don't think it's that big of a deal. I already called and told your aunt that we were coming tomorrow and she said that she couldn't wait to see us, and you can't break a promise like that."

"I thought you were implying to your side of the family when you asked me."

"It'll be fun, you were the one that said it should be about family and that I should be more loving and caring."

"It was a setup from the beginning and you knew it. You tricked me into saying yes."

"I didn't trick you, I did exactly what you wanted me to do and now you're upset. I promise you'll have a good time, anywhere we go together we also have a good time, this will be no different. So cheer up just a little bit and put a smile on your face." He said holding me

"Alright, but it won't change the fact that I still don't want to go."

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