94. I Hate My Life

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~Valerie's POV~

"So today in class there's this boy name Trent and I swear he's so stupid." Lilly said unamused

"Oh yeah and how so?" I asked

"He asks the most stupidest questions ever in the history of stupid questions. Like for example, why can't two plus two equal five. I want to say because it doesn't work that way you idiot."

"Maybe he's just doing that so he can draw more attention to himself."

"No mom, he's dead serious and get this, the nerve of my teacher to pair us up in teams, like no."

"What are you doing that requires teamwork?"

"It's an in class project where we have to research stuff on different theorems, I do not want to do this assignment. Can't you write a note saying that you would rather have me partnered with someone else that actually has a brain and is going to contribute some work." She scoffed

"Lillian, that's not very nice of you to say. And no I'm not going to write a note for you to work with someone else, you should learn how to work and get along with others." I said

"Well do you think dad will write me a note? I can say that this is a hinderance to my learning." 

"Your dads not gonna write you a note either, just do your part and get it over with. I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think it'll be."

"Hey mom I'm gonna go over to Unc's house for awhile, I'll be back later." Jeremiah said coming in the kitchen where Lilly and I were cleaning up

"Oh wait before you go your dad told me to give you this, sorry I forgot to give it to you earlier." I said giving him the note

He looked at the note and groaned, "Ugh not again! This is the third time!"

"Well it sucks to be you now isn't it." Lilly whispered

"Mom it's another list for me to do stuff!" He whined

"Listen to the both of you, whining because you can't have what you want. A little work will not kill any of you, instead of whining and complaining you should be a little appreciative that you're not like other kids your age who actually have to work for living."

"Yes ma'am." Lilly sighed

"Why isn't Lilly doing anything? Can't she take half of the stuff on this list."

"Uh excuse you but I am working, I'm cleaning and washing." Lilly retorted

"Ok let's trade, you take this list and I'll wash and clean." He said trying to hand her the list but she pushed his hand away

"No we're not going to trade because dad told you to do it and not me."

"See mom, that's not fair! Why isn't she getting any work like me!"

"Ok Jeremiah, I see your point and no it's not fair but that's how your dad wants it." I said

He moaned and crossed his arms, "I feel like his personal slave by all this work he's giving me." He pouted

I went over to him and put my arm around his shoulder, "Welcome to my world, now you know how I've felt for the past fifteen years. Instead of having five kids to look after, it's six and when you all leave the house I'll still be looking after my overly grown baby called my husband."

He sighed, "I guess you're right. I know it wasn't easy to care for me and put up with dad then big mouth came along and made it worse." He motioning to Lilly

"I heard that." She said with her back turned

"I know your father can be difficult at times, but just do what he asks and get it over with so you can do whatever you want to afterwards and you won't have to deal with this later, okay?"

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