23. The Proposal

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~Valerie's POV~

<4 months later>

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, the sun was out and the sky was nice and pretty. I decided to take this time to do a little cleaning, maybe clean out the fridge of food that Sierra hasn't ate up already, put on a load of laundry and dust in the living room.

I fed Charlotte and put her in the living room because for some strange reason she likes to jump in the refrigerator, I don't know why but I do know that sometimes, she's a little special. But I love her anyway because she's my baby!

I go to my radio and I put on some Madonna and I go clean the kitchen. I start throwing away old food, half empty stuff, and things I didn't even know were in there. I take out the shelves one by one and I clean them in some water and put them back.

I clean the walls and inside the door with the water. I put back the stuff I decided to keep and I move on to the freezer. I take the stuff out that I don't need or want and then I wipe down the sides and the shelves and I straighten up the stuff I already have in there. Some reason it takes me longer than it does to to clean the freezer out than it does the fridge.

Next I move to the stove and I wipe away the food left behind or a stain. I open up the oven and I take the racks out to clean them and I spray the inside with oven spray. I wipe the suds away and I put the racks back in the oven. Next is the microwave which I clean out at least once every two weeks, so there's not much to do except wash the dish and wipe around the wall of the microwave.

Next is the counter in which I put everything away in the cabinets or in a drawer somewhere. So I spray some counter cleaner and I wipe it clean. Lastly I mop the floor with Pine Sol, the stuff smells amazing and that's it for the kitchen.

I shuffle my way to the living room and I start dusting while singing along with Madonna. I use the end of the duster as a mike. Charlotte started barking at me which either meant, bitch! Shut up and let Madonna sing or Whatever the hell you're doing, stop it! It's weird looking.

I finished the dusting and I went to go put on a load of clothes and then I heard knocking at the door. This is probably one of my neighbors to tell me to shut up as well, I wouldn't be surprised. I opened the door and it was a sweaty Ryan.

"Why are you so sweaty?" He shut the door behind him and I went to turn the music off

"I went running, don't you think I'm sexy?" He said wrapping his arms around my waist and giving me a kiss

"Sexy, yes. But the smell not so much."

"What have you been up to?" He said sitting at the bar stool

"Doing a little cleaning. It's such a nice day outside, I felt like doing something."

"What do you say to me taking you out tonight?"

"Okay, I didn't have any plans for later anyway."

"Great. Because I got something for you." He reached in his pocket and handed me his credit card

"Why are you giving me this?"

"Go get a massage, your hair and nails done whatever. It's on me." He said wiping sweat from his face with his shirt

"Do you want me to go get a massage?"

"You don't have to if you don't want to. But I do want my number one girl looking and feeling good." He said touching my cheek

"Okay fine. I'll go get a massage, I haven't had one in forever anyway."

"Oh and don't worry about finding an outfit for tonight, I got it covered."

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