36. Time to come home

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~Valerie's POV~

Day two of my vacation and I'm loving it, no worries just me, myself, and the baby. I'm not going to do much today but just rest because I'm leaving tomorrow morning. But I am going to the movies and catch a movie then after buy another ice cream cone and hot dog.

I haven't called nor texted Ryan back in the past two days. I think about calling but it would just end in a big fight and I don't want to fight. So instead of getting myself all worked up about this, I head out to the movies and I'm going to enjoy myself.

At the movies I was waiting for the movie to start when my phone went off, I rolled my eyes and put it on silent. 'Nope, not now I'm trying to enjoy the movie' I sat and ate my popcorn while I people watched.

There was a man sitting a few rows behind me and he was sleep, so I would turn around throw popcorn at him. He would twitch and I would turn around and look like I haven't done anything. He would go back to sleep and I would throw another piece and he would jump up and look around.

I sat there with a serious face and I would snicker when he would look in the other direction.

After the movies were over, I walked out with the crowd of people. I tapped the guy on the shoulder and when he turned around I went the other way and giggled, I'm such a dork.

I got in the car and I drove to the ice cream shop and got an ice cream cone and then went next door for a hot dog. I ate them both and I went back to the hotel. My feet was hurting a little, so I decided to take a nap and then do whatever comes to mind when I wake up.

~Ryan's POV~

It's been two days now and I still haven't heard from Valerie. I know she's ignoring me and that's fine, but she's going to have to talk to me. I know where she's at, so I decided to let her come home on her own, but I haven't heard anything from her. I called up Levi and asked him to take me to the hotel and of course I have to hear it from him.

"You see where this gets you. She wouldn't be running off if you were nicer."

"I am being nice, I let her enjoy her two days."

"Yea and you're having me drive you to go get her. Why won't you call her."

"She won't answer and I know she's ignoring me."

"You don't know that, she could really be having some fun and forgot to check her phone." He pulled in the parking lot and cut the car off.

"Why don't you try calling her again."I sighed and pulled out my phone and stared at it.

I looked up and Valerie was walking to the car, I called her and she looked at the phone for a second then she answered without saying anything, "Baby, when you coming home?" She didn't say anything and hung up. She unlocked the car door, got in and left.

"Alright man I'll see you later." I said getting out of the car

"Wait? Where you going?"

"To get my lady back. She's gone so now I can go sneak in her room."

"Isn't that how you got wrapped up with this girl by sneaking in her room?"

I smiled, "Hey, what can I say." I walked to the front desk and then a small woman came to the front

"Hello sir, can I help you?"

"Yea my wife is staying here and I would like to know what room she's in. Her name is Valerie, she's pregnant and she looks like this." I showed her a picture of Valerie on my phone

"I'm sorry sir, but I can't give you that information it's office policy."

I pull out two crisp $100 bills and lay it on the counter "How about now?"

She widened her eyes and took the money, "Room 234" She gave me the key and I headed towards the elevator to get Valerie back.

~Valerie's POV~

After I woke up from my nap, I got up to go put some gas in the car so I won't have to worry about it in the morning. I headed out towards the car when my phone started ringing, I looked at it and it was Ryan. I started not to answer, but I did anyway because he hasn't heard from me in two days and I wanted to reassure him that I wasn't dead.

"Baby, when you coming home?" He asked me. I hesitated to answer so I just hung up. I didn't want to start any arguments about me coming home. I got in the car and I drove off to the gas station.


When I came back, I stopped by McDonalds and got a Caramel Frappe, I probably shouldn't be drinking it but it's so good. I go in the room and I notice that the TV is on, 'I don't remember leaving the TV on' I thought to myself. Next I heard the toilet flush and the water running, must be house keeping.

The door opened and out came Ryan. I wanted to throw my almost empty cup at him and take off running, but I know I wouldn't get very far. He kissed me on the forehead and went over to the couch and propped his feet up on the table with his hands behind his head, "Surprise to see me?"

"How did you find me?!"

He smiled, "I have my ways. I got a question for you, is this what we're going to start doing from now on? Running away from our problems and responsibilities."

"The only reason why I ran was because you're acting like an egomaniac. I was going crazy, I don't have anything to do and don't tell me cooking and cleaning is something to do."

"Is that how you've been feeling this whole time?"

"Yes! I try to tell you that, but all you do is ignore and snap at me. We have a baby on the way and what was going on was stressing me out, I don't want to lose another baby." I said sadly

"And I don't want you to lose another one either. But you got to understand that the only reason why I have you locked away so much is because I have people who want to take me down and will do anything to do it. If they get you then they got me and I don't want that to ever happen, I vowed to keep you safe and I will put my life on the line to make sure that nothing happens to you or our son."

"But you got to let me out sometime, you can't shelter me from the rest of the world. I have a life to and I want to live it." He motioned me with his finger to come to him and I sat on the couch.

"I know you want to get out and do things, but right now I don't think it's the right time. I think after the baby is born we can discuss it more, but right now I don't feel comfortable with it." He said rubbing my belly

"But that's five months away!"

"Be patient, think of it as your time to figure out what you want to do. In the meantime, get your stuff so we can go home." He said getting up

"But I don't have to leave till in the morning."

He sighed, "You have two choices; you can leave voluntarily or you can leave by force, now which one do you want?"

"What horrible choices.. Fine, I'll get my bag." He grabbed the keys from the counter and went outside.

I gathered up the rest of my things and I went outside to the car, I put my bag in the backseat and I got in. "Baby, you stretched out my sweet spot." He whined

"What sweet spot?"

"The seat, it's not comfortable anymore."

"Excuse me, I didn't know you had conformed your butt with the seat, my apologies."

"Or next time, take your car instead of mine." He said driving off.

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