116. Heal

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It was 5 a.m. the next morning when the blaring alarm clock went off. Ryan groaned as he turned off the alarm and threw the covers back as he gingerly got out of the bed. Valerie was still asleep with her light snoring and ankle propped up on the pillows.

He went into the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth, and when he finished he came out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and went into the closet for a pair a boxers and put his robe on. He then left out the room and went down the hall to Jeremiah's room.

He opened the door as Jeremiah's head was buried under the sheets and the pillow on top of his head. "J, time to get up." He said shaking him and removing the covers from his head

"Agh! Just five more minutes mommy, please!" Jeremiah groaned as he tried to cover his face back up.

"I'm not your mommy, now get up." Ryan said as he pulled the covers back again. Jeremiah sleepily got up and rubbed his face

"Are you gonna make my bed like mom does?" He asked as Ryan scoffed

"You're kidding, now get ready." He said leaving the room and then went to Lilly's room.

"Lilly, time to wake up." He said gently shaking her as she stirred around a bit in the bed and scrunched her face as she saw the light coming from the bathroom across the hall and Ryan smiled

"What's funny?" She asked both confused and sleepy

"You looked just like your mom when you scrunched your face up like that."

"Oh, do you mean that as in I'm somewhat decent looking at this time of morning?"

He smiled, "Of course, you're a beautiful young lady at all times, no matter if you have a birds nest on top of your head."

She shrieked and jumped out the bed and over to the mirror, "Just kidding." He giggled. "Would you mind waking Diana up for me and I'll get the twins."

"Sure, but I want to be sure everything's okay with my hair." She said doing a three sixty in the mirror

He left out of Lilly's room and went into Zayn's room in which both of them were already up and sleepily sitting on the side of Zayn's bed. "Oh good! You two are already up."

"Jeremiah woke me up and then I woke him up next and now we're just waiting on the bathroom." Isaiah yawned

"There's plenty of bathrooms in this house."

"It's too far, we rather use the one closet to us." Zayn said leaning on Isaiah's shoulder

"Don't worry, we'll be ready and on time." Isaiah said as Ryan shook his head

"Your mother has all of you kids spoiled rotten. You have all these other bathrooms in the house, but too lazy to go around the corner."

"Please don't make us, we like the wait. It gives us time to get some extra sleep." Zayn said

"Whatever, just be ready and downstairs eating by six thirty." He said as he left the room and went downstairs to the kitchen to start breakfast. He knew what everyone had a thing for, so he decided to make a few of everything.

By the time he was finishing up breakfast, Jeremiah and the twins came downstairs first. "We told you dad, we would be on time." Zayn said as they both started to get some food

"Hmm, knowing you two, you probably just woke up five minutes ago."

"Oh snap! Pops hooked it up this morning! I'm just gonna get these hot eggs and bacon." Jeremiah smiled as he went to go reach for the plate, but Ryan smacked his hand with the spatula. "Ow!" He said as he jerked his hand back and rubbed it

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