76. Three years later...

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~Omniscient POV~

[3 years later]

In the course of this time, Jeremiah is now five years old and soon to be starting Kindergarten. Lilly is now three and both of them have been each others friend along with Anthony who's also three as well. Whenever they're together, they become inseparable almost like the three musketeers.

All day Jeremiah and Lilly have been playing with their toys and they've been running around the house like crazy. "I'm gonna get you Lilly!" Jeremiah yelled while chasing after Lilly with the toy gun in his hand

"No you won't, I'm faster than you. You can't catch me." She teased back

He shot a dart foam bullet at Lilly and she quickly moved out of the way. Next she took off her shoe and clucked him upside the head with it. She giggled at him rubbing his head and then she took off.

Jeremiah recuperated and shot out in the direction of where Lilly went. He didn't know where exactly she was, but he was determined to find her. He walked down the silent hall and then stopped in front of Ryan's office. He quickly opened the door and shot the first thing he saw, "I got you!" Unfortunately it was Ryan and he got him right on his head.

The victory smile was removed from Jeremiah's face as he looked at his now angry dad, "Jeremiah what did I tell you about coming in uninvited when I have company over." He asked sternly as Jeremiah looked around the room at the other men inside

"You said not to bother you unless it's an emergency." He said quietly

"And is this an emergency?"

"No sir.."

"Remember the next time and I don't want it to happen again, do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Here.." Ryan handed the dart back to Jeremiah, "Go play."

"Thank you. Daddy have you seen Lilly?"

Ryan pointed to the door, "She's right there." He turned around and Lilly was looking at him through the door, she giggled and took off running again

"Thanks dad!" Jeremiah said as he sped out the room to catch up with Lilly. He chased her all the way downstairs

"Kids! Stop running in the house." Valerie said as the both of them sped past her

"Yes mom!" They both said and slowed down. Jeremiah grabbed Lilly from behind and started to drag her away but she took off her other shoe and started beating him on the head with it

"Ow Lilly! Stop it!" All she did was giggle and kept whacking him upside the head with her shoe

"Alright you two, behave. Lilly stop hitting your brother with the shoe." She said separating the two

"Mom, she also threw a shoe at me and she almost made me get in trouble with dad." He said rubbing his head

"No I didn't mommy." She said innocently while looking up at Valerie with her big round eyes as she batted her eyelashes

"Yes she did, don't believe her."

"Okay that's enough you two. Now the both of you come in the kitchen and get a snack because you've been playing all morning and barely ate breakfast."

The both of them went in the kitchen and sat at the table while Valerie got them a sandwich, fruit slices and some apple juice. Ryan came downstairs and gave Valerie a kiss on the cheek, "Alright Val I'll be back later. I want you kids to behave yourself and don't give mommy much trouble."

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