66. Disney World

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~Valerie's POV~

The next morning, I woke up excited for today. Not only is it my anniversary, but we get to spend the day at Disney World. Earlier this morning we went shopping for some food and we came back and I made breakfast.

After that we headed to the park for some fun and Jeremiah and I both are super excited. "I hope there isn't a lot of people here." Ryan said

"I don't think there will be a lot, it's usually slow around this time so we should be good."

"Have you thought about what all we can do together since he can't ride any of the fun stuff."

"We can ride the teacups, and there are some rides in Tomorrowland."

"You think we can get on the dumbo ride? That one seems pretty fun."

"Maybe, if we hold on to him."

"I know for sure he can get on the carousel."

"Knowing him, he will try to do more than what we will allow him to do." I smiled looking back at Jeremiah


We made it to the park and now we are getting his bag out of the car, "Do you think we will need the stroller?" I asked

"No, we can just carry him."

"But what if you get tired or he gets tired? And it's a lot of walking."

"Ok, take the stroller. But who's gonna push him?"

"I guess I'll do it." Ryan took the stroller from the trunk and I grabbed Jeremiah and we walked to the tram stop.

"I think we should've left this thing in the car, see you're already carrying him."

"I don't want to carry his bag on my back all day, unless you want to do it."

"No that's alright, I'll stick with holding the stroller." He sighed

A few more people showed up and then the tram started coming our way, "What time do we plan on leaving?" I asked

"I think seven or eight would be a good time or if he falls asleep while we're here." We got on the tram and Jeremiah sat up in my lap and looked around at the park as we zoomed by

"I'm so happy you thought of this, I truly wouldn't have." I said

"It's been on my mind for awhile and I thought why not now, the perfect time. It's our anniversary, something for the baby as well so we don't have to keep dropping him off at our parents house."

"Actually, my mom was bummed when I told her that we were taking Jeremiah with us."

"Same here, mom tried to convince me that it would be better if he just stayed with them instead of coming with us. I know when he gets older, they are going to spoil him rotten." He said rubbing Jeremiah's head

We made it to the front and we got off the tram and went up to the ticket line. Jeremiah had a big smile on his face when he saw all the Disney characters and was pointing at all of them. Ryan got our tickets and he put a button on Jeremiah's shirt that says first time at Disney World and he got one for me to.

"Ryan I've been here before."

"Wear the button anyway, and you haven't been with us so that qualifies as a first time."

I guess, it is a neat looking button." I said looking at the button

We walked through the gates and headed to the Segway to go to the park. When we got on, I stood up so Jeremiah could see the park from the window, the Disney restaurant below and the tall water spout. He smiled as I held on to him

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