64. I can't move

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~Valerie's POV~

I awoke the next morning in the bed and I looked around for Ryan but he wasn't here. I slowly eased out of bed and tried to stand up but hit the ground because I couldn't feel my legs. I groaned in pain as my legs and nether regions were sore. I could barely move as I was a little achy in my back and I had the rug burn.

I tried to crawl my way up, but a shoe was in front of me. I looked up and it was Ryan peering down at me with a smirk on his face, "Can someone not walk this morning?" He said tauntingly

I scrunched up my face in anger, "Ryan please, this is not the time to be funny!"

He stepped back, "Ok I'm sorry. But I do have to give it to you, you held out for a long time last night."

"I told you I can hold out, I didn't give up like you thought I would've." I said proudly

"No you didn't and for that, I'm proud of you." He smiled and was about to leave the room

"Ryan wait!" He stopped and looked down at me

"Can you please help me up! I can't feel my legs!" I whined

He laughed and bent down to scoop me up, "Do you need help getting in the shower?"

"I think I can manage."

He set me on the bathroom counter, "Call me if you need anything." He said and left the bathroom door cracked

I brushed my teeth from the counter and put my hair in a bun. I took deep breaths before I willed myself to step down. Once I did, I held on to the counter and the wall so I wouldn't slip and fall. I eased my way in the shower and slowly started to wash myself.

After my shower I put on a pair of grey sweat pants and a simple shirt. I got the feeling back in my legs, but I was still shaky when I walked. Thankfully Ryan had packed all our stuff away so I wouldn't have to hobble around and do it.

"You almost ready to go?" Ryan asked coming back in the room

"Yes, but could you do me a tiny favor?"


"Could you carry me? I really am unable to walk at least two minutes without my legs giving out."

"Well maybe the next time this will teach you not to provoke me." He said scooping me up

"I didn't provoke you, I wanted to show you that I can do what you think I can't do."

"And a valiant effort you put up, but was it really worth it?"

"Yes, now I have something to gloat about when you decide to get on your high horse and talk about how great you are in everything."

<On the plane>

The feeling in my legs was coming back and I'm sure I could stand to walk on my own, but I don't trust myself to go no further than a mile before I give out. I lean my head on the window as I watch the clouds roll away, Ryan puts his hand on my thigh and slowly rubs it

I groan and move his hand, "Please no more! I'm still sore."

"I was gonna give you a massage, but it's clearly obvious what's on your mind."

"You're massages lead to other things, maybe when we get home."

"But we won't have time, not with Jeremiah running around."

I smiled, "Good, that will give you time to rest."

He smirked, "I never get tired." He boasted

"I hope you're saying the same thing when I get pregnant again." I said

"You're talking about having another baby an awful lot. Speaking of, I forgot to ask last night, but you're still on birth control right?"

I frowned, "Yes."

"Are you sure?"

I sighed, "Yes Ryan."

He leaned back on the headrest, "Good, I don't need any surprises."

"How do you think that makes me feel?" I asked looking at him

"I don't know, how does it make you feel? I just don't want to be surprised if you just so happened to get pregnant again, that's all." He shrugged

"It makes me feel like you don't want to have any more kids. It's fine if you don't, but you don't have to be so dismissive about it."

"I do want more kids, when we're both ready. I don't know if this is what you want to do, plus Jeremiah just turned one."

"I'm just looking towards the future." I sighed

He grabbed my hand, "I didn't mean to make you feel bad about wanting to have another kid, I just don't want you to rush into something too soon."

"I understand, but I will take your advice and just wait until I'm all the way ready, when I'm not indecisive about it."

He smiled, "Great. You do know the next thing on our list to do?"

"We're moving to the Bahamas?!"

He laughed, "No, but I'll buy you a house if you want."

"I don't want a house, but out of the kindness of your heart if you would like to buy me a home, I would gladly accept." I said smiling

"Actually the next thing on our list to do is plan for our anniversary, and this time we will actually get to do something besides catching up on some sleep and getting over what had happened."

"So what do you have in mind?"

"I was thinking we could go to Disney World. We can take Jeremiah with us and make it a nice family thing."

"The last time we had a family outing, you almost killed a man."
I said quietly

He groaned, "It wasn't at Disney World."

"And if you just so happen to lose your temper, then what? There's going to be hundreds of people there."

"I can promise you that I will keep it together, for the sake of you, Jeremiah and our marriage in general. I can contain myself in public, but when you have ignorant motherfuckers like that guy who keep pushing my buttons, then at that point I'm liable to lose it. But I can assure you, that will not happen."

"I believe you, but sometimes you relapse and it's hard to bring you back to reality. But I think we will have an enjoyable time; a time to relax and unwind, be with each other and share our love with each other."

"Now we're on the same page, I'm already excited about going."

"Me too, I know Jeremiah is going to have himself a good time."

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