21. Two months later...

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~Addison's POV~

<2 months later>

This journey with Valerie has been an emotional roller coaster ride and not a very fun one. It's been a rough two months for her and I truly feel bad for her right now. This is probably one of the hardest things she's even been through in her life so far. It's gut wrenching when you get raped by your so called best friend and end up getting pregnant because of it.

Sierra and I have been with her through this difficult time and it really is a sad sight to see. Some nights she wakes up screaming and crying, most days she won't eat a thing or she's throwing up what she did eat. I always let her know that she's not alone, her family and her real friends are here with her.

But this tragedy does have a good side to it, Val and Ryan are back together; somewhat, but they say this time around they will take things slower and get to know each other better. Personally I think that's a good thing, I see them two having a nice future together, but it's all the matter of timing.

Since Val was feeling a little down today, Sierra and I thought it would be a good idea to go out and have some fun. We didn't have to buy anything, but just to do something instead of being cooped up in the house all day.

I bought a cool new keychain to hang on the side of my purse with flowers on it. Sierra got some new lipsticks and Val got a beanie. We walked around the stores for awhile then we went and saw Val's dad and said hi, then we walked back to get something to eat.

"Today was a good day, we didn't overspend or anything." I said

"Yea, this is a very rare moment. I thought Val was gonna buy every single beanie in the store."

"No I wasn't, there were so many to choose from and I couldn't decide on which one I wanted, so I got the white one instead."

"I think you should've got the pink one, but whites a good color too." I said

"Ok I'm buying ice cream, who all wants one?" Sierra said

"Oh, I'll take one with fudge. How about you Val."

"No thanks, I don't think I'll be able to hold it down. But I do have to use the bathroom." She stood up and groaned while holding her stomach

"Valerie are you alright?" I asked concerned

She grimaced, "Yea I'm fine. I just, I just need to go to the bathroom."

"We'll come with you. It looks like you can't hardly make it." Sierra said

We walked with her to the bathroom and she seemed fine, but I can feel that somethings off about her. We went in the bathroom and she went over to the sink and leaned against the counter.

"Valerie you okay? What's wrong?" Sierra asked

She looked up at us with a hazy look. Blood started forming in the crotch of her pants and then her eyes rolled in the back of her head and she started falling.

Sierra and I caught her just before her head hit the ground. I shook her arm and even moved her face around for her to open her eyes. "Come on Valerie, I need you to open yours eyes!"

"She's not moving and the blood keeps coming!"

"Go call 911 and get her dad, I'll stay with her!" Sierra rushed out the bathroom while I cradled Val in my arms

"Valerie! Valerie if you can hear me, I need you to open your eyes!" I reached down to see if I could maybe stop the bleeding, but it was too much

"Valerie wake up!" I put my head down on her chest and listened to her heart, it was faint but still beating.

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