46. Seven months later...

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~Valerie's POV~

[7 months later]

Things have finally went back to normal, sort of. After what happened to me and Tristyn, Ryan has been cautious about everything that I do and started reverting back to his old ways of keeping me locked up in the house. He has gotten better over time, but some things are still the same.

"You think he will let you go with us?" Addison asked

"I mean you have to go, who else am I going to get crunk with?!" Sierra said

"Yeah Val, you're the only one that's going to ensure my possibility of going!" Tristyn said. Right now we are talking on three way about me going with the girls to Vegas. First it started off with Addison planning a trip because of this art show that's coming up and the possibility of her getting some free clothes.

Next Sierra jumped aboard by saying she was gonna go with Addison along with going to the casino and maybe catching a show or two. When these two told Tristyn and I about their plans of course we got excited because we talked about all the things we could do together while in Vegas, but soon the harsh reality sunk in, I most likely wasn't able to go because my husband has me on twenty four hour lock down and I wouldn't be able to get past him if I tried.

Tristyn thought it would be a good idea to ask Nate first and tell him that I would go if he let her go and shockingly enough, he said yes. Now that leads to a big problem, I haven't asked yet because I already know the answer and it's gonna be no, so now Tristyn won't be able to go because I'm not going.

"I'm sorry girls, you know how Ryan can be. He can be very hard to negotiate with sometimes." I said

"Did you even ask him?" Addison asked

"No." I said quietly

"What are you waiting on?! Today is Tuesday and they plan to leave tomorrow! You know Nate won't let me go if you're not going" Tristyn said

"I know he's gonna say no, that's why I haven't asked."

"Ok but do you want to go on this trip?" Sierra asked

"Yea, I do."

"Then ask and if he says no then sneak away."

"Are you trying to cause World War Three?! If I sneak away without Ryan knowing and he finds me, his head will start spinning around like the exorcist and that will be the last time you will ever see me again."

"I think it's worth the risk."

"Sorry, but no trip is worth my freedom. I know my limits and I try not to push it with him."

"Val just ask, what can be the harm in that? And for the sake of my going, if you have to beg, do it for me! Take one for the team!" Tristyn said

"Or just seduce him, put on some Beyoncé or Nicki Minaj and do a lap dance for him, anything! We need you to come with us!" Sierra said

"I hate to say it, but I agree with Sierra. I really want you to come, we all want you to come, it won't be the same without you." Addison said

"Ok, ok. I'll ask him when he gets home, but don't get too excited."

"Thank you! Just so you know, I already have my bags packed, so no pressure." Tristyn said

"Oh absolutely, I feel the non pressure so much." I said sarcastically

"We'll go now so you can prepare what you're gonna say to Ryan when he gets home." Addison said

"Yeah and remember, when in doubt, shake that money maker!" Sierra said

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