131. New Friends

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"So you mean to tell me, that you think that Soulja Boy has a chance against Chris Brown?"

"A small percentage." Valerie answered

"This is Chris Breezy we're talking about here, this dude is the New, New Edition Bobby Brown and we all know Bob can throw down and so can Chris." Kyle said as Valerie grinned

"Ok yea that's true, but you have to look at it like this. He claims he's fighting for Rihanna and once you bravely throw yourself into a battle for a woman, I think that boosts up his confidence level even more. Not to mention, I'm sure his inside wrist has a helluva kick to it, once those punches turn into flailing his arms around." She laughed as he joined in

"You're just a real cool down to earth person." He complimented

"Why thank you, I don't let money define my personality or just who I am as a person in general. I think that's most people's misconception about me when they first meet me."

"Well can you blame them, you're married to the billionaire Ryan Praninsky. Speaking of, can I ask you a some what, personal question?"


"Like, how did you and Ryan even hook up? And how long have y'all been together?"

She smiled thinking back to the time she and Ryan first met," We met at the mall. He came over and talked to me and tried to convince me of going out with him. So I suggested we go workout and from then, later on down the road we got married and have been together for fifteen years now."

"Wow. I bet everyday it's something new, you probably never do the same thing twice in one week."

Her smile slowly dissipated, "You would think that..."

"And do you still have sex?" He asked as she looked up at him grinning. "Oh wait, is that too personal?"

"No it's okay. I don't mind the questions. It actually makes me feel pretty good about myself that someone other than my kids want to talk with me. And yes, on the occasion we still have sex."

He noticed the small glint of sadness in her eyes and he wanted to cheer her up, "Hey come on now, I'm sure I'm not the only person that wants to talk to you besides your kids."

"I feel like I've known you forever, I can just sit and talk about whatever and you not judge me. It's nice to have a new friend that gets me." She said

"Oh, so now I'm your friend?"

"Yes, you are my friend now and you can't do anything about it." She said playfully

"In that case, I better do my part because you look like the type to hurt me if I get out of line."

"That's right, I will Karate Kid chop you in the neck and then Judo flip you and tell you to straighten up." They both laughed as he looked at his watch

"I guess we should be getting back now, my breaks almost over." He said

"Ok." She said standing up from the table. "Maybe tomorrow we can go to KFC and get some green beans and mashed potatoes."

"Why only those two and no chicken?"

"Because I love their green beans and mashed potatoes. I don't really care to much for their chicken, but I can eat a whole plate full of their green beans."

"In that case, I know not to stand too close to you tomorrow." He grinned as he went in front of her

"For your information, I don't fart when I eat green beans it's the other ones I have an issue with." She confessed as he began to laugh

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