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Edited 4/3/17

I had woke up late and saw it was 8.00 "shit" i said as i jumped out of bed and got dressed and rushed to school, noticing that i had French i went to sneak in when i noticed miss Haydock outside talking, waiting until miss haddock moved back into the classroom I watched to see when miss Haydock back was turned before sneaking in and sitting behind chlo "your late" said chlo "i know, I slept in" i said "you've only been at this school a few weeks and your already getting into trouble" she said and i rolled my eyes at her, i mean its not as if i was doing it on purpose "Ta sophie tardive" (your late, sophie) said miss Haydock "Désolé, j'ai dormi dans" (sorry miss, I slept in) I said "très bien, essayez de ne pas laisser cela se reproduire" (very well try not to let this happen again)"Oui, mademoiselle" (yes miss) "since when were you the French genius" asked chlo "always been good, i have family that are French" "any chance you can help me, im failing" "of course" I said. We walked down the hall and met up with chlo, donte, her sister mika and brett "have you seen this" donte said as he pointed at the leaflet for the musical "ill think ill sign up" mika said "yeah me too" chlo said "do you think that wise, should school work come before extra curricular activities" Mr Clarkson asked chlo "i can  handle both" chlo said sounding a little humiliated "that French homework you struggled through last night says otherwise" he said as she walked off "i cant believe he did that to me" chlo said "babe, hes only doing it because he wants you to do well" donte said and she glared at him.

"Have you seen chlo?" mr Clarkson asked me as i pointed down the hall towards the lockers "thank you" he said and i turned my attention back to my phone "put that phone away sophie mason or it will be fine for the rest of the week" he said and i rolled my eyes "yes sir" i said."Come to the auditions with me" janeece asked and i looked at her "you cant be serious" i asked her "please sophie, im begging you" she said "jan" "ill get down on my hands and knees if i have too, please  i could use the support" she said "what about max, why cant she go she is your best friend" "shes busy with Lewis Seddon, isn't she" "ugh fine" i said as i followed her along to the drama room, well more like she dragged me there. After i watched the auditions i was bored out of my mind, to say the least i tried not to laugh at janeece whe she sang, the sad part was that she thought she could sing, poor thing.

Danielle and Aleesha thought that it would be funny to get Karla to audition and the fact that she had Asperger's was all a joke to them and she humiliated herself I was livid "pair of bullies" I said to Janeece, Janeece nodded not saying anything "why don't you leave the poor girls alone, does it give you some sort of sick twist picking on a girl with Asperger's, your even more shallow then I thought" I yelled "sophie mason, cooler now" said miss haddock "what, but I didn't even do anything" I said "now" she said pointing to the door. "fine" I said as I stormed to the door and headed towards the door of the school like hell am I going to be punished for some thing when I haven't even done anything wrong.

I couldn't go home for another 3 hours as my mum would know that I was bunking, so I sat on a swing near the park which was near mine I looked up to see miss Haydock "alright miss?" I asked "i thought I sent you too the cooler" she said "how did you find me?" i asked her "i seen you walk out, didn't I?""you followed me , I didn't go to the cooler, I didn't do anything wrong" I said "i did follow you, look sophie I know that you had Karla's best interest in mind but you didn't have the right to shout at Danielle and aleesha" she said "yes, I did they were bullying her and no one was saying anything not even you or wilding your meant to be the teachers, im not going to let Karla go down the same round as demi" "demi?" "she was my best friend before I moved here, my mum thought that its best I had a fresh start after she killed herself" "sophie im sorry" "don't, miss, it was my fault she had dyslexia and everyone took the mick of her, it got to much and I didn't do anything to help her I should of told those bullies to leave her alone but I didn't and if I did she might still be alive I didn't know how low she was feeling" "no, it wasn't your fault you should not have to have that burden on yourself, especially when it was those bullies" said miss Haydock "yeah your right miss" I said wiping the tears from my eyes.

It was just after 4 when I got home, I sat in the living room starring into space when the door slammed shut which made me jump "Sophie Patricia Mason, where are you" yelled my mum "living room" I said she walked in and looked at me with her hands on her hips "well are you going to explain yourself" she asked "i don't know what you mean" I said "i had a call from the school about you bunking off" "oh that, look I wasn't going to be punished for something I haven't done" I said "Sophie, I swear to god" she said rubbing her forehead "well im not, its not fair how bullies get away with bullying a girl with Asperger's and I get send to the cooler while they get away with it, its like demi all over again" I said "no, Soph that's different" "how, they both have needs and are different if I only stood up to Demi's bullies maybe she wouldn't be dead" I said as I broke down into tears "oh sweetheart come here" said mum as she sat next to me and pulled me into her chest as I cried. Later that night after helping chlo with French I headed home and went straight to bed and was asleep instantly.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now