The end

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Updated 21/3/16

heading down to breakfast I found my mum sitting sipping her morning coffee, since last week with Lindsey we haven't exchanged many words and to say we haven't had a conversation would be a understatement, I went into the fridge and poured my self a glass of orange juice "are you still in a huff" I asked her as I sat opposite her "no sophie, im just not happy with you and talking off your behaviour I would like it if you can manage to stay out of trouble for one day with this open day the last thing I need is my own daughter causing trouble, I cant have max tyler having another reason to belittle me" "i cant promise anything" "sophie" "look you and I both know max tyler is a manipulative bully, so you should stand up to him after all it is your school" I said storming off to my room.

I walked into school too see this open day happening, what a waste of time if you ask me. I headed to registration and sat starring out of the window "sophie mason?" called tom "sir?" I said pulling my way attention away from the window "see me after" he said I rolled my eyes as the last oohed. After registration I stood up and gathered my stuff as tom came over to me "are you okay?" he asked " fine" I said "look we have to talk" he said as he sat on the desk behind him "talk?" I said "yeah, look now I have josh in my life I think he should be my main priority, your two years older than him it..we shouldn't" "your breaking up with me" I said as he nodded I felt my heart drop in my chest "can I ask you want question" "go ahead" "theres no one else, right" I asked he didn't say anything and just stared at the floor "i see, the dinner lady...oh and by the way I'm a year older" I said before I stormed out "sophie, come back" he called after me as I stormed out of the classroom and walked into mr tyler falling back and landing on my bum "sorry sir I wasn't watching were I was going" I said he offered me his hand helping me up "you okay" he asked me "im fine" I said "you sure, you look upset" he said "im fine sure really" I said as I headed off towards my lesson.

I headed to food tech and took a seat next to Michaela and noticed Lindsey was in urgh, "i see the slags in" I said to Michaela as she smirked. before getting to work and peeling vegetables "i don't cook" I said to Michaela as Mrs fry stormed out as and miss hopeless, I mean Hopewell came in to supervise us all, well this is gonna be easy. soon the class was i carnish and hopeless Hopewell had lost control of the class, yet again no surprise there then. Mr tyler walked in and yelled out us all, he made eye contact wih me and i looked away, no way is he pining this on me. We all went silent as there was shouting outside the class it was mrs fry and her husband "what are they shouting about" micheala asked "they've lost all there money" i said.

Ten minutes later she came back into the class "lets carrying on where we left off" she said "miss, we cant half your stuffs gone" said Lindsey, Michaela had placed them into her bag. she walked over to the basket of food and she had a break down as she tore the place up. when mr tyler walked up and sent everyone out "sophie, micheala you stay and clean this place up" he said "you got to be kidding me" i said as i grabbed a sweeping brush. As mrs fry sat in the corner of the room "do you have any idea what im dealing with, ive lost everything" she said "so, money is money i may be the headmistresses daughter who lives in the big fancy house but we haven't always had it like that, my mum had to work hard for what she got and i had a brain tumour at two and she had medical bills then my father came along, he lived in a dive and i lived with him for three years and lets say it wasn't good but i adapted myself, look my point is yes moneys nice but it's not everything its those who are around you, your loved ones" i said before i carried on sweeping. Before my mum walked in "i heard there was a problem" she said to mrs fry "sophie..what did you do" she said typical, i dropped the sweeping brush before picking up my bag and storming out "im done" i said. i headed out at luch and went to football girls v.s boys "sophie" tom said grabbing my hand "don't" i said pulling away from him and heading over to play football.

i walked off to the office and foud mr tyler "any idea where my mum is?" i asked him "no, but i wanted to talk to you" he said walking over to me and shutting the door, suddenly i started to fell uncomfortable " i know about you and mr Clarkson" he said i felt my face drain of colour "there is no me and mr Clarkson" i said "not anymore there isn't but there was" he said "look it none of your business" "your right about that but how would your mother react if she knew" he said "what do you want" i ssaid as he walked over to me ad pressed his lips to mine, i pulled away and slapped him "don't, you have no right" i said "one night with me, and its all forgotten" he said as he handed me a piece of paper with his number on. i rushed out of the office and ran into the nearest toilets before throwing up and crawling into a ball and crying, i cant do this, can i?

i walked out of the school and headed home i was home within ten minutes and i sat on the stairs thinking hes max tyler, he may be hot yes but no hes the exective head, hes trying to ruin my mum i cant do this to her, to tom, yes hes dumped me but i cant do that to him. one thing is certain i was right about him hes a manipulative bully, and i don't know what to do.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now