crying wolf

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Updated: 21/3/17

i walked into school this morning, mum and i had another fight about my unreasonable behaviour blah, blah ,blah get a life as i got into school i spotted Bolton and Michaela chewing each others face off "like yuck, im going to puck my breakfast back up" i said as Michaela hit me in the arm while continuing to snog him "come on Paul lets leave them to it, use protection this time Bolton" i said walking off.

i headed to registration i sat in my normal seat by the back "soph, are you okay" asked Bolton as he sat down next to me "im fine" i said. As i headed for first period i bumped into that Lindsay "watch it freak" i said "shut it slag" she said i walked to her "do you want to say that again" i said pushing her into the wall "slag, are you that thick you cant spell" she said pushing me back "you better watch your back" i said before heading off to French and sitting next to sam "you okay soph" she asked "im going to end up blowing my lid by the end of the day" i said

Lunch came round and sam came up to me "soph, have you heard the news" she said a s she sat next to me "news?" "yeah that amy porter is accussing Bolton off attempted rape" "what, no botlon wouldn't do that i know him, he just wouldn't" i said as i ran off to find a certain headmistress i found her in the office pacing "please tell me its not true" i said standing in the hallway "im afraid so" she said "you don't think he did it do you" i asked her "no, of course i don't" "he wouldn't, he was always so caring and making sure that i was okay, when we did it, he always put my needs before his own, Bolton is not a rapist" i said "i know, its not Bolton" she said as she pulled me into a hug "getting a bit close to the students aren't you miss mason" said mr tyler who was standing in the doorway i glared at him "if its any of your business, im more than a student to her im her daughter" i said as i shuffed past him and left the office.

i headed to the common room to find Michaela "chaela, have you heard about Bolton" i said "what is it" "amy porter accussed him off trying to rape her" "you what, this is a set up they have it in for us" "i know" "im going to rip her lying little tongue out" she said as she stormed out of the office and down the hallway "Michaela come back" i shouted after her but she was already gone, great well done sophie.

At the end of the day i met up with mum "whats going on?" i asked her as i noticed the police leaving the school "have they got Bolton, they've took him" i asked her "no,no, it was all an misunderstanding" she said "what do you been" i asked her "it turns out amy made it up" "she what, that's sick im going to kill her" i said she grabbed me by the arm "calm down i know your mad" "mad, doesn't come close, after what happened to me stupid little girls like that go and make up this, you see theres a reason i didn't want to report him, tell you i thought i wouldn't be believed the girl who cried wolf, i knew Bolton didn't do it, Bolton isn't like that" i said "soph, what happened with your dad ad Bolton are two complete different things" she said as i nodded.

i found Bolton down in the canteen "Bolton, are you okay" i said as i jumped on him and hugged him "yeah, now i am" he said "i knew it, i should smash her face in i know you, i know you wouldn't do that" "at least you do" he said "What" "i broke up with Michaela, she doubted me" "bolt, im sorry". i walked around the school wrapping my blazer around me "you okay soph" said mum as she stood next to me walking down the hallway "no, im not" she put my hand on my shoulder giving me a reassuring squeeze "Freya should of been two today" i said "oh soph, i didn't know" she said "don't mum, its fine" i said "you coming home" she asked "noo, ive got something to do" i said as i left her in the car park and walked about a mile and knocked on the door "hey" said tom he noticed my appearance my tear stained face "sophie?" he said "i need you" i said as he pulled me into a hug "whats the matter" "it would of been my daughters birthday, i just really need someone right now" i said as he pulled me into the house and shut the door.

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