how could you do that to me?

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Updated 22/3/17

I've took the last four days off school I couldn't bear going in though I knew I had to tell tom, I had to tell him I was pregnant with his child and im terrified after what happened last time, what if I lose this baby too, maybe im not meant to have kids, maybe its a message that the universe is trying to tell me I mean Freya died, well she was born died and I lost mine and toms baby. I sat up in bed and felt a wrath of nausea hit me and rushed to the bathroom before throwing up, damn morning sickness. There was a knock at the bathroom door "you okay Sophie?" mum asked "im fine" I said I hadn't told anyone that I was pregnant not my mum, Eddie not even Lauren and Amy who were my best friends "hurry up you'll be late for school" mum said "right" I said as I brushed my teeth before I got ready for school. "you know I go away on a course for two weeks leaving your aunt in charge and the school end up with a warning notice" mum said "i don't know mum, I didn't think she'd caused that much damage" I said sipping on a glass of orange juice "do you want some coffee" eddie asked as he passed the pot of to me "no thanks" I said as I got a whiff of the coffee "excuse me" I said as I ran upstairs to the bathroom.

I got to school and it was the elections for the sixth form "so who are you supporting soph?" eddie asked as we walked into school "no one I couldn't care less" I said "soph, its up to you who wins and it effects your school" mum said "i have more important things to deal with at the minute" I said walking off. "you missed the election speeches" finn said as he sat next to me at break "i don't really care" i said "whats up with you soph, you've been off half the week and now your back it may as well be like your not here" he said "im fine" I said "sophiekins, I can read you like a book what is it" he asked "i just wish sam was here to talk to, yes lauren and amy are great but I cant talk to them about this there the biggest gossips around" I said "well talk to me" finn said "you?" "yes me what just cause im a guy you wont think I wont understand, soph I know you better than you know yourself" he said "okay, you cant tell anyone I haven't told anyone this"  "okay, what is it" "im pregnant finn, and im terrified" I said "guess you haven't told Clarkson or mason" he asked "no, your the first person ive told" "you need to tell him the longer you leave it the worst it will be" he said "yeah your right" " guess who else is pregnant, your Jessica" "aiden got jess and vicki pregnant" "yes, he did" "damn talk about using up his sperm" I said.

I found jess in the common room "hey" I said as I sat next to her "how did your mum take it when you told her you were pregnant" "she flipped out asking how I could be so stupid , why?" she asked i didn't say anything just picked the nail varnish off my nail "oh my gosh, you are not" she said "i am, but you have to keep quiet I haven't told anyone" I said "Rachel, will flip who knew Clarkson could be so careless with protection" she said "who knew id be pregnant by a teacher" I said "you haven't told him" I shuck my head "no, im trying to find the courage" I said "soph, tell him"  she said "i will I just need a few hours" I said before I headed out of the corridor to see him, pulling down one of jess's campaign poster "you know, that's not really fair is it sir?" I said standing behind him he turned around and looked at me "hey" he said as he wrapped his hands around my waist "i missed you this week, we've you been" he asked "not here that's for sure, look baby we need to talk later okay" I said kissing him and walking away.

At the end of lunch I went back to the common room to find jess and vicki "god, you two in the same place talking, god it must be a miracle" I said "shut up soph" they both said "be kind, we're the three pregnant sixth formers" I said as I lay down on one of the settees "did you tell him?" jess asked "later, I said we'd talk later you know with him being busy with the elections" I said " I cant believe Clarkson still had it in him to knock you up" vicki said as I threw a cushion at her" hes thirty six not seventy" I said "what about your mum have you told her" jess asked "last time, I told her she lost it so ill tell her after I tell tom I might sent her a text so that it will be calmer" I said "you cant just send her a text" vicki said "why not" I asked "cause she'll get mad that you didn't tell her face to face" "look soph, vicki is right you need to tell her face to face I know how your mum can be, she can be hard but you need to tell her" jess said "hard, try insufferable at times" I said.

At the end of the day I went home and got changed before heading to toms, I left my mums and walked to tom, he said that he was going to the pub for a couple so I let myself in with the spare key and headed into the kitchen and heard giggling upstairs, he hasn't has he? I headed upstairs and opened the bedroom door to see him in bed with Eleanor chaudry. "soph?" to said as he noticed me standing at the door "you fucking twat, how could you" I yelled as I went to hit him but he grabbed my arms "how could you do this to me?" I said crying "im sorry, soph it was a mistake" he said as I sunk down to the floor crying "im sorry, I love you" he said "don't, don't you fucking dare say you love me, if you did you wouldn't of slept with that slag" I said as I stood up and slapped her "desperate slag, you cant get your own boyfriend so you sleep with other peoples fiancées" I yelled "i should go" she said as she left the room "soph?" tom said stepping closer to me "you just had to cheat now, of all times didn't you" I said to him "what's that meant to mean?" he asked "what do I mean? what do I mean? I mean that you got me pregnant tom, you knocked me up that's what I wanted to talk to you about that's why ive been off most the week because im petrified, im petrified off this the last time I fell pregnant I lost the baby and the time before that she was born, still born" "your pregnant, soph are you sure" he aksed "yes im sure and do you know what else im sure about, im sure that we are finished, done, the end" I said as I threw my engagement ring at him which hit him in the head "sophie, please don't do this we're having a baby" he asked "no, im having a baby and you'll never see it again because im leaving" I said as I stormed off downstairs and into the kitchen picking up my bag "sophie, you cant leave its my baby too" "no, you gave up that right when she shagged her, were done tom, you hurt me you also hurt the baby" I said as I walked out of the house leaving him standing there and cried and cried as I walked home.

I got home and there was no sign of mum or eddie so I went upstairs and packed all of my things into a bag and wrote my mum a note:


im sorry I've got to leave im pregnant and toms cheated I cant be around so I've decided to leave Rochdale, please don't try and find me I love you and give Eddie my love.

sophie x

I rang finn just before I left him and told him I was leaving "you cant soph?" he said "come with me, please finn your like a brother to me" I said "and what about school" "stuff school" I said "right, i'll be there" he said. The taxi turned up such as finn did "are you sure about this soph, I mean what about tom" he asked "tom is a cheating scumbag and im better off without him" I said "come on then" he said as we climbed into the backseat off the taxi and he wrapped his arm over my shoulder "we'll be alright" he said as I placed my hand on my belly "just me, you and uncle finn now baby" I said as we drove off into the distance.

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