pregnancy scare

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Update 22/3/17

"is it cancerous" mum asked the following morning over breakfast "yes,in the long run im going to need a bone marrow" I said "what happens if you don't" eddie asked I looked up at him he knew the answer to that "you'll die" mum asked and I nodded "excuse me" she said getting up from her seat and going upstairs I knew where she was going to was off to cry "ill talk to her" eddie said following her I nodded my head and sat in silence at the table.

I got to school and noticed janeece "jan, what are you doing here" I asked "got to go back to work haven't I" she said "but you only had the baby a week ago" "i know" she said "look I got to go okay lots of work to do" she said as I headed off to chemistry for my exam. I went through my exam "when do we get the results?" I asked "by the end of lunch" he said. After the exam I bumped into tom in the hallway "have you told them, your mum and eddie" "about what" us" "no not yet I only told them about the cancer this morning" "they need to know soph, that were getting married" "but we don't know do we, unless I get a bone marrow I wont be getting married because ill be dead" I said "soph don't think like that"  "someone's got to, look ill tell her today alright" I said storming off.

At break I found my mum in the office "urg I need to talk to you" I said "whats up" "its about tom" I said "your seeing him again" she said "what makes you think that" I said "you realise soph, that the cooler has cctv" she said and I felt the cooler drain from my face "you mean you saw"  "i saw everything yes and I wish I hadn't, now what is it you wanted to tell me" "well it looks like you seen it" "huh" "tom proposed" I said "and you said yes" "i said yes last night, look I think you should have the right to know" "hes your teacher soph" "yes im well aware of that" I said as I took a seat "i cant believe this" she said "theres something else" "what" "i haven't told anyone but I..i think im pregnant" I said "that's just brilliant sophie, you just started your A-levels" she said "yes I know that mother" "here" she said handing me some money "what this for" "a pregnancy test, go into town and buy one now you have a free next" she said I nodded as she handed me a slip so I  could get out of school

I headed into to town and headed back within half an hour I couldn't bring myself to take the test not yet I found janeece in the hallway heading into the staffroom "janeece can you get mr Clarkson please" I asked her "sure whats up" she asked "long story" I said a few minutes later tom came out to find me pacing "soph, whats going on" he asked I went into my bag and pulled out the pregnancy test "your pregnant" "i don't know I haven't took it..but im late"  I said "come on" he said grabbing my arm and leading me to the toilets "take it, ill be out here waiting" he said. I headed into the toilets and took the test "please... ..please...please..please" I said to myself as the test came up negative thank god, I went out in the hall to find tom pacing he noticed me and stopped "well?" "Negative" I said and he ran to me and pulled me into a hug "thank god" he said "do you not want kids with me" I asked "no its not that, its just not this moment its not the right time, especially with you being ill" "Yeah" I said as I headed off to chemistry for my results 'Sophie Mason-C' I could live with that I suppose.

I went to see my mum at the end of the day and found janeece sitting looking at her scan photo I sat next to her "your my oldest friend janeece, you cant hide anything from me I know you miss her, the baby" I said "whats the point shes not mine not anymore" "she is yours if you want her, go and get her" "i cant soph" "i thought I was pregnant today, im not though the results were negative and there was a part of me that was disappointed as I know if I had a baby id look after them love them so much nothing else would matter, not how much money I had or the dad" "i don't know if im cut out to be a mum soph" "neither did chlo and look at her now she loves izzy" I said as I left her to look at the scan photo "hey" I said as I walked into the office "well" mum asked "negative" "good" "how can I promise him forever when I don't know if ill be here this time next year" I said "soph" "but its true me and you both know it, we cant hide the fact that unless I get a bone marrow ill die" "don't say that, I hate the thought of you dying" she said "well I am" I said tears running down my face "come here" she said pulling me into a hug "your my baby, your not meant to die not before me and especially at 17" she said

Later that night I went home and sat in my room as I text tom;

sophie; I told my mum xxx

tom: how did she take it xx

sophie: as well as expected xx

tom: it will be fine xxx

I hope so, I really hope so.

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