feeling like a hypercritic

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Updated 22/3/17

I sat on the bed as I did my make up as tom came in and handed me a cup of coffee "you realise that you don't need all the make up babe" he said as he stood behind me sipping his coffee "thanks baby" I said as he walked over to the wardrobe and started to get dressed and bit my lip and watched him "what are you smirking at" he asked as he put his hands on the bed "nothing" I said as I got off the bed and went to put my uniform on "don't think your getting away that easy" he said as he grabbed my waist so that I was pinned between the bed and him. Tom leaned into to kiss me brushing his lips gently against mine just as I was getting into the kiss he pulled away "damn you tom Clarkson" I said as he smirked and headed downstairs "i love you Sophie mason" he said wrapping his hands around my waist "i love you too" "i was thinking  how about we do something tonight?" he asked "what are you thinking, meal, back row of the cinema?" "hmm back row of the cinema sounds good" he said kissing my neck and heading downstairs.

I headed to registration and sam came and sat next to me "have you heard about the pantomime" she asked me "the what?" I asked "the school pantomime, cinderfella " "that sounds weird" "come on, soph why don't you audition" she asked "me, why me" I asked "come on your ace, you can dance and sing" she said "pantomimes aren't really my thing" I said "think about it at least" she said "fine" I said.

"so, I think ruby fry is trying to bribe me" tom said as he found me outside at lunch time "bribe you how, I hope she didn't offer sex" I said "no, not that way but she did offer me a steak pie" he said "and why would she bribe you" "because I offered to read her and grantlys books" "books?" "yeah ruby write a book and grantly being grantly has edited  it, so I said I would read them both and see which ones best, know I think shes bribing me to say its hers" "what have you gotten yourself in for baby" I said kissing him as I headed back inside "and where are you going" he asked "auditions, for the pantomime ive decided to listen to sam and give it a go" I said as I walked down to the hall. 

At Lunch I met up with sam and headed off to audition for the pantomime "i heard a certain boyfriend off yours is judging" sam said as we headed into the hall. "how was your audition" mum asked me near the end of lunch "it was good" I said. At the end of lunch sam came up to me "well done soph"she said "thank you, but what for" I asked "you haven't heard?" she asked "heard what" "you got the role of princess charming" she said "i did, but I thought that you would of got it" I said "how come soph im no where as good as you" she said. The end of the day my mum came up to me "so Jonah Kirby and cesca Montoya" she asked "you what" " having a relationship" she said "your kidding" I asked "i am not sophie" "whats gonna happen" "ill be phoning the police" "what" "shes been seeing a pupil" "talk about hypercrital" I said as I walked away from her leaving her stranded in the middle of the hall.

I went to find tom and found him "is it true about Jonah" I asked him "it is that woman should be locked up" he said "that's rich coming from you" "you what" "you heard be your being a hypercrite you did the same thing with me and the only reason we are still together is beause my mum is head" I said "you and I are different we didn't get together on school grounds" "didn't we?" "sophie sweetheart I know I sound like a hypercrite but its different" he said "how" "jonah got cesca pregnant I never....never mind" he said "it's the same thing tom" "soph""hes my friend, and hes been acting different and now I know why he must love her to be acting this way" "soph" "no, don't im going home ill see you tomorrow sir" I said storming off and heading home and punching a wall in anger as I walked down the corridor. "sophie?" eddie called behind me I turned around and smiled at him "are you okay" he asked sighing I nodded "tom and I had a fight, hes being a hypercrite" I said "look let it cool off, it will be okay" he said and I nodded "can we go home?" I asked "sure, its just me and you, your mum has some stuff to sort out" he said "you mean Jonah ad miss Montoya" I asked "yes, how about pizza for tea" "sounds good"

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