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updated; 10/3/17

As we parked at school I went to get out of the car when mum grabbed my arm "hold on an minute, I want to talk" she said "fine, talk" I said "i hope your going to drop this attitude, shes not going to be teaching you, she's going to teach adults, look try and be nice" "aren't I always" "i mean it and don't..""don't tell anyone she's your sister, like id dream it, I don't want anyone knowing im related to her" "right, Philip is starting today so be nice" "i don't mind Philip hes my cousin, its her" I said starting to get out of the car. I noticed Philip straight away and hugged him "hey Philip" I said "hi soph" he said "come on ill show you around" I said walking off in the direction of the school.

I showed Phil around the school and we headed around to the yard "so what do you think of the place?" I asked "it seems alright" he said. I walked towards the back of the school to see Bolton playing basketball, I took the ball off of him and threw it in the hoop in one go "and that's how you do it" I said "you just got creamed by a girl" said Paul "yeah and girl who could kicked your arse even in these high heel boots" I said to Paul."who's the kid?" asked Bolton "this is my cousin Philip, can you do me a favour and keep an eye on him, show him round until he's settled" I asked him "i don't know " "please come on, you know what its like to be the new kid don't you?" I said "fine" he said "thanks " I said  and heading to Philip "Bolton said he's going to show you round" "thanks" he said as I headed to registration.

I sat in second period feeling as I was going to fall asleep when the new kid earl walked in and sat next to me "boring isn't it" he asked "your that new kid earl isn't it" I asked "yeah, your maxs mate" "ah so that's what it is you want me to put a word in, I cant do that, you see the thing about max is she makes her own decisions, she's very stubborn and if I put in a good word she's more likely to hate you even more" I said "i see, im having a party tonight and you can come, bring max though" he said "party's our right up our street" I said.

After break I found Philip in the hallway wondering "Philip, shouldn't you be in your lesson?" I asked him "im going" "your late" "no thanks to your boyfriend" "hes not my boyfriend,what did he do" "he tied me to a toilet" he said "he what, don't worry ill sort him out" I said walking off to find Bolton, I found him in the drama room "a word Bolton" I said he followed me out of the class "soph?" "i asked you to keep an eye on him, not bully him" "it was a joke" "he's always the new kid, I thought that hanging with you would do him some good" I said "lighten up will ya" he said I slapped him across the face "don't go there" I said turning around and started walking off "Sophie mason, cooler" said Mr Lawson who had been watching the whole thing, this place is like my second home. I sat at the front of the room and a couple of minutes later I came Bolton and Paul. Bolton sat behind me throwing paper at me, he was trying to get my attention "will you stop it" I yelled at him getting annoyed "Sophie, move over to the back" said Mr Lawson pointing to the desk next to the window. not long after miss Haydock came into the room "i have a bone to pick with you and miss mason" she said to Mr Lawson "what are you going on about" he asked. she started to sing a song about sister, really badly making me laugh slightly " there sisters, Melissa and Rachel". oh crap. Mr Lawson looked at me "don't even look at me" I said before he left.

At lunch mum came and got me form the cooler "Sophie come" I followed her from the cooler and we stood outside of the classroom "i was just defending Philip so before you start and ground me and give me detention I think that what I did was quite reasonable, well for me" "i know, come we'll get some lunch" she said "im not hungry" I said "well your going to need to eat" she said heading to the canteen "im going to a party tonight" I said "well don't be late home and don't drink too much, you have school tomorrow" "okay" I got a plate of pasta ad sat playing with it as mum opposite me "will you eat, or are you going to force me to force feed you" she asked "you wouldn't" I said "wouldn't I, I haven't done it since you were three" "i told you im not hungry" "eat" I starred at her, she wouldn't would she? I decided not to push her and ate half a plate.

After school I headed to the office "mum can I have some money" I asked I noticed that Melissa was in the office "sure" she said going into her purse and handing me a £20 note "don't be late" she said "hi Sophia" said Melissa I rolled my eyes "Sophie, is my name" I said before meeting up with max and janeece and heading to the party. I found myself drinking from a bottle of vodka while I noticed max and early heading upstairs "where's she going" I asked "where do you think?" she said. not long after tom came over and everyone got kicked out. I sat outside on the wall, I pulled my phone about to diall my mum, when I was grabbed and pulled towards an alley I looked up to see tom "what the hell" I said glaring at him "you've been drinking?" "Well aren't you clever" I said "I'll take you home" he said "no" I said grabbing his hand and he looked at me "no....I don't want you to" I said as I placed his hands n my thigh moving it up my thigh "Sophie...." "I want to.....dont you want me" I asked "more than you know" he said as I placed my hand on his stubble pulling him towards me kissing him. He lifted me up so I had my legs wrapped around his hips before the zipper to us pants came undone and he was inside me.

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