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Edited 4/3/17

As soon as I got to school I headed for the bathroom and started to put my make up on, my mum dislikes me wearing make up she always says I don't need it as im naturally beautiful.what a load of rubbish I was just finishing off my mascara when I heard smashing outside. rushing outside I seen Donte with a baseball bat smashing up Mr Lawson's car "Donte, please don't make it anymore worse" Chlo said "how can it be any worse chlo, i thought you loved me" he said "i do" "yeah, then why did you go and shag someone else" he said "oh my god" i said "you've only just got married" Janeece said "yeah, least you remembered" he said "how could you do that to Donte" i said to chlo "i didn't mean it" she said crying  before walking off.

At Break Janeece ran up to me "soph, have you heard?" she asked "heard what" "well you know how Chlo slept with Brett, her sisters boyfriend well mika found out and slapped her now their scrapping" "what Janeece go get Mr Clarkson" I said as I ran down the stairs to see them fighting until Mr Clarkson came out and broke them up. After the fight was broke up I stood in the hall as I made eye contact with Mr ckarkson he looked at me and I smiled at him slightly before I walked away. What was that look for. I headed to French and sat in front of Max and Janeece starring into space "Sophie Mason" Miss Haydock said pulling me out of my trance "French invention name one, come on Sophie i cant have my best pupil slacking what is with you today" she said "why don't you ask Chlo, miss" Maxine said "no, im asking Sophie" "i don't know, French letter" i said as i continued to stare in space "or how about the French kiss" max said "or ménage a trio" janeece said "its ménage a trois, not trio" i said "you three enough" said miss Haydock "what, i only corrected Janeece pronation" I said as Chlo had ran out of French upset and Janeece, Maxine and I headed to the toilets "why would you go with your sister man" said Janeece "its like incest" said Max "its not all chlos fault" I said "if her own sister cant trust her, why should we" said Max."cause were her friends and it was a mistake" I said. The chain of one of the toilets flushed and out walked Chlo "at least I know who my mates are" she said before walking off "who are they then" said Maxine. I jumped down from the sink I was sitting on "there's no need guys, she needs her mates" I said before running after her and she was no where to be seen.

I couldn't find Chlo so I pulled out my phone and rang her. The phone went straight to voicemail 'its Chlo, I cant come to the phone now, so leave a message after the beep' "Chlo, its Soph look im sorry about before in the toilets Max and Janeece didn't mean it...I know they didn't...look i know i was a little harsh this morning im sorry chlo im your friend ,there your friends, look Chlo give me a ring when you get this, im worried about you" I said as I left her a message, feeling worried. I  decided to walk home with Max and Janeece i stood in the hallway when Mr Clarkson ran up to us "have you seen chlo" he asked us "no sir, haven't seen her in ages she weren't in English" Janeece said "and you didn't think to tell me" he said and looked at me "what about you Sophie have you spoke to her" he asked "no sir, i tried ringing her but it went to voicemail I just guessed that she had bunked class" i said ad he held eye contact with me "right, thanks anyways" he said before we walked home.

Later that night when I got home, I got changed out of my uniform and put on some jeans and a t-shirt. I sat on the stairs with my phone in my hands when my mum walked in "where have you been" I asked "sorry love, I lost track of time" she said sitting next to me "whats the matter" she asked me "its Chlo shes gone missing and im worried about her" I said "she'll be fine she probably just wants some time alone" she said "your father called me he'll be here tomorrow" said Mum "no,no, please Mum I cant be near him that's all I need" I said "Sophie tell me what happened" she said "you just had to go and teach in Africa, you left me with him didn't you I feel vulgar he is not my father and I will be at maxs until hes gone" I said walking off "Sophie" she said calling after me

I ran around the corner and pulled out my phone ringing abbey she answered straight away

Abbey:hi stranger

Sophie: abs, its my dad hes coming here tomorrow

Abbey:what, no, soph he cant

Sophie: my mums asking queations, she wants to know what happened between me and my dad

Abbey: tell her

Sophie: I cant, it will break her heart she'll blame herself

Abbey: she needs to know soph, you've held this secret since you were 9

Sophie: I cant, whats up with you then

Abbey: you can, my real dad found me

Sophie: what, whats he like

Abbey: great, I just cant believe it

Sophie: that's great, i'll talk to you later

I hung up the phone and  snuck out and walked to Maxine's knocking on the door Miss Haydock answered "hey miss, is Max here?" I asked "Sophie love are you okay" "no" "come in, Maxine is in her room" I walked in to see her doing homework "Soph, you okay" she asked "no" I said before breaking down in tears, she pulled me into a hug as I cried " I don't know how much longer I can cope Max, I don't know how much longer I can hold this secret its breaking me" I said "i know you don't want to tell me, but im here but you need to tell someone for yourself or your going to break down" said Max. I knew she was right I couldn't keep this secret forever, even if i wanted to.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now