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Updated 8/3/17

"so why did you have to take the job at my school" I asked my mum "two reasons, to keep an eye on you especially after everything you told me, I was concerned and your school is failing and needed a good head" "you though, you never been a head before" "im fully aware of that soph, now eat your breakfast we're leaving in ten" she said "you never said what happened with dad after you found out about know" I said "he's gone and that's all you need to know" she said. I wish that she would tell me the truth,for once "mum" I said "Sophie, look I don't want to discuss him at the minute, okay" "okay" I said looking at her unsure, she's hiding something.

Today was Chlos first day back to school and I stood in the hallways I talked to Bolton before h went on his trip, watching Clarkson with Davina, the slag, looking cozy. I felt jealous really jealous  I caught eye contact with him, he smiled at me and I smiled back  slightly "Sophie, come" said mum I walked over to her "Bolton smilie is no good stay away from him I thought you were done with him" "I am mum" I said before heading off to registration.

I sat in registration with Chlos empty seat next to me "i thought Chlo was back" I said to Maxine "she is, your mum wanted to talk to her in her office" said Janeece "i still cant believe you were sick on your mum" said Max making me cringe "i know, its not my finnest moment" I said "it was hilarious" said Janeece "can we just forget it, please" I said as I rested my head in my hands "never, going to let you forget" Max said "i hate you too" I said as the bell went. Just before first period I found Chlo wondering the halls "Chlo" "Soph, hey" "you okay" "its Donte he said he wants to give it a go again" "and you don't" " I don't feel like I deserve one, I mean look at what I did to him I just wish he'd stay mad at me" she said "Chlo, Donte loves you and you love him" "i don't know Soph, I just don't know" Lunch came around and I found Chlo sitting by herself "what's up" I asked her "take a guess" she said looking towards the gossiping girls behind me "problem?" I asked "yeah Chlo is a slag" said one of the girls who have black hair "want to say that again" I asked "a slag" "says you" I said as  she stood up  and faced me, I grabbed a hold of her hair and pulled her towards me "you should really what you say, your words can upset people" I said before pushing her face into a bowl of cold custard "Sophie Mason cooler now" said Miss Haydock I looked to chlo who smiled reassuringly.

I spend the afternoon in the cooler doing math, maths I cant do maths I cant get my head around it. The school bell went at the end of the day and I went to get up and leave "not so fast" said Mr wilding "but sir, its the end of the day, you cant keep me here" I said "i can, besides miss mason wants a word" "oh that's great" I said sitting back down resting my head in my arms on the table. Twenty minutes later the door opened and in walked my mum "sit up" she said. Great, just who I need. Sighing I sat up and looked at her "have you had any idea what sort of day I have had?" she asked "well boo who" I mumbled "don't interrupt me Sophie, and to make matters worse I am told that my daughter has been sent to the cooler for fighting" "she started it" "im warning you Sophie, how am I meant to run a school, when my own daughter doesn't follow the rules" "does it look like I care, what do you want me to be like a good little girl, the headmistresses daughter that never gets in trouble, that is not me at all and you know it" she walked over to me and pulled me out of my chair "what are you going to do, hit me?" I asked and she did she slapped me full force across the face I held my hand to my stinging cheek. The bitch. "come on, home now" she said leaving the room "oh and so you know your grounded two weeks as well as two weeks detention" "your punishing both at school and home?" "yes, im not just your headmistress im your mother so I want a bit of respect from you" she said "i have plans with Janeece tonight, so I cant do your grounding" I said "well you can un plan them cause your grounded whether you like it or not" she said as we headed towards the car. She is so unbearable.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now