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Edited 4/3/17

I entered registration late the next morning in the biggest mood, I didn't want to be here and I had no interest what's so ever. Maxine came and sat next to me "what's wrong with you moody?" she asked and I glared at her "my dads coming to visit" I said "what's wrong with that?" asked Janeece "yeah, I thought you never saw him" said Max "i prefer it that way with him as far away as possible away from me" I said as a tear slid down my face I wiped away the tear before anyone could see  "if you want you can stay with me" said Janeece "or me Haydock wont mind" said Max "thanks guys, I would but I..i dunno " I said "Soph, if hes that bad then stay away from him" said Janeece "yeah maybe, look max are you sure Haydock will be okay with it" I asked "yeah, ill ask her at break, but she'll be fine, she loves you, your the French star qof the class" said Max "wheres Chlo?" I asked and they looked around the room "dunno" janeece said

After registration I found Chlo in the canteen she was standing at the fending machine "there you are" I said "huh, oh yeah I slept in" Chlo said as Mr Clarkson walked past "i hope you two are keeping out of trouble" he said and I rolled my eyes "of course sir" I said smiling innocently. Mr Clarkson and Chlo caught eye contact "ill see you in a bit" I said to Chlo "sir" I said to Mr Clarkson and he smirked at me "Sophie" he said as I walked off. why did he smirk at me?. I headed to English when Mr Clarkson walked in I cant be doing with school today, im so tempted to just bunk off. At break Max came up to me "so Steph is at the hospital with Ben Mcnulty as he hit his head, apparently he has HIV" said Max "no way" I said "and who is Mcnulty girlfriend" said Maxine "Danielle Harker.... no way do you think she's got it?" I asked "well everyone thinks so" she said. Picking up my phone I found the contact that I was looking for and I clicked call, the phone rang and rang until it got to voicemail 'hi this is Rachel Mason, I cant come to the phone right now but if you leave your name and number and it'll give you a call' I sighed in frustration "its me Sophie, look I need to talk to you there's some kid with HIV and I need out now" I said leaving a message.

Lunch soon came around and I hadn't heard from my Mum honestly...its a good job im not dying or something. I stood and cued for lunch as Bolton had a go at mcNulty practically isolating him "i kind of feel sorry for him" I said to Janeece "you what, he's dirty Soph" " I know still though" my phone started ringing and I looked at it to see that it was my mum ringing "finally" I said before picking up the phone "Mum" "Sophie I got your message and there's no need to worry"" what do you mean no need to worry" "i mean its not like a cold, you cant just catch it by sitting next to someone its if you have unprotected sex, which I hope your not having sex at all never mind unprotected, also if you happen to be sharing needles that is a way that you can get HIV and if your using needles we need to have a serious discussion young lady" "mum okay I.." "Sophie don't interrupt me, what have I told you about doing that" "sorry mum" "look Soph the only way your gonna catch HIV is if you have a cut and blood is transferred, you have nothing to worry about Soph" "thanks mum I'll speak to you later" I said hanging up. She was insufferable.

looking over I noticed Bolton and his little gang pouring water over ben and ben rushing out of the canteen, now I really feel bad "ill be back in a minute" I said to Janeece and Maxine. standing up I marched over to Bolton "you know what, your nothing but a bully" "you what soph, he has HIV" "yeah and you have no idea what he's been through or how he got it, i mean its not as if he's changed you were playing footie with him this morning and cracking jokes, some mate you are" I said before walking off. At the end of the day we were all given letters about bens HIV and about anti-bullying, well I don't see how this helps ben the damage is already done.

I walked home with Janeece as Chlo had French revision with Brett and Max decided to get a lift home with Haydock "i cant believe Rimmer let ben stay at school with HIV" said Janeece "honestly I don't think he knew" I said. I walked into the house and dumped my bag in the hall "Soph?" "yeah" "im in the kitchen, can you come here" called Mum I walked into the kitchen to see her cooking "your cooking, you never cook" I said "you realise I am a- was a food tech teacher" "yeah but you never cook" "yeah well maybe I should cook more" "hmm""I wanted to talk to you about your fathers visit" "well don't bother im staying at Maxine's until he's gone" "Sophie he's here to see you" "i don't care, I don't want him anywhere near me" "he's your father" "yeah, well I wish he wasn't" I said before storming off. I don't want that man near me, breathing the same air as me, it makes me feel sick the thought of being anywhere near him.

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