A prank gone wrong

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Updated: 21/3/17

why, and I mean why does my mother have to be headmistresses especially when I fancy bunking off for the day. I got up and headed downstairs to find my mum in the kitchen "Eddie not stay over" I asked as I sat down at the kitchen table she was standing with a cup of coffee "no, he decided to go home" she said "that's a chance, he may as well move in here the amount of time he spends here" i said "no its too soon for that Sophie" "why not, I mean you aren't getting any younger" "thanks for that Sophie" "no I didn't mean it like that, I meant you love each other and he spends nearly every night here anyways so why not " "i don't know" she said i walked over to the fridge and poured myself a glass of orange juice "breakfast" said mum "i don't want any im not hungry" I said "Sophie, don't try and pull thee wool over my eyes again, get some breakfast" she said "fine" I said making myself some toast.

Heading to school I headed into the school for the Rwanda day with mum and Philip who had prepared some brownies, I followed them into the school "didn't you make anything soph?" Philip asked "me, cook?, no I burn pasta" I said "yeah I think its saver for the rest of the school if Sophie didn't cook" said mum "shut it you, no one asked for your opinion" I said joking "touché" she said heading into the hall. "i want to know, how many you sell" she said to Philip "are you coming, Sophie" mum said "yeah im going to meet up with janeece whenever she gets here" I said leaving the hall, where mum met up with Eddie "ill see you lovebirds later" I said walking down the hall watching as mum went bright red. I found janeece in the hallway hugging some old teacher, who worked here before I started.

I bumped into tom in the hallway "well if it isn't the proud granddad" I said "do you want a slap, the next person who calls me that is going to find themselves ten foot under" "oooh touche" I said "sorry soph, ive been up since four feels like ive been up all night" "that's a baby for you". I was outside at lunch when I seen marley and flick walking in, marley was all battered and bloody "oh my god marley" I said running over to him "what happened" I asked "my dad attacked him" said flick "mum" I shouted across the yard she looked over and seen marley and ran over "what happened" "my dad he attacked marley" said flick "call an ambulance" I said as mum pulled out her phone "and the police" said janeece.

I headed to the hall and found Philip "hey phil hows it going?" I asked as I sat in the chair behind the desk "good" he said looking uneasy as he watched everyone running out of the hall "phil, whats going on?" I asked "ive done something really bad" "yeah" "it was meant to be a prank I put laxitives in the chocolate" "phil,do you have any idea how bad that is" "it was meant ot be a prank, for those who took the mick out of me over flick, the choir" "okay, look you need to get rid of the cakes, now, ill go see how bad it is" I said exciting the hall to see people running around to the toilets.

Heading out of the hall I found my mum with some guy from the local authority "mum, whats going on" I asked "are you feeling okay, soph, your not feeling as you need the toilet or anything are you" "no, look mum I need to talk to you" "later, okay soph it looks as if its food poisioning, im a bit busy now" "its important" I called as she ran down the hallway "later soph" she said. Ten minutes later I headed down the hallway by art to see phil and mum arguing "that was not a joke, that was a well planned, spiteful act of vengeance, I don't know what to do with you" said mum yelling at phil " tell her phil" "you knew" mum asked me "yes" "why didn't you tell me, I could of gotten to the end of this hours ago" "i tried to, you didn't want to hear it" I said before storming off to leave them argue.

I was heading down the hall looking for janeece where I found mum and eddie hugging, she was crying "mum are you okay" I asked eddie pulled away from her "ill see you two later, yeah" he said walking off as mum hugged me "is this to do with phil" I asked and she nodded her head "im sorry I didn't tell you, I did try but you didn't want to hear it" I said "don't worry about it, we'll talk later yeah" she said "look ive got to go tell the choir whats going on, thanks to your cousin" she said as she headed into one of the classrooms.

At the end of the day, I sat on the steps waiting for mum she came out of the school by herself "no Philip" I asked "no, he said he was going to walk" she said as we got in the car "you know what happened with Philip isn't your fault right" I said "i helped him make them soph" "that means nothing, mum, look us kids make mistakes you should know that the amount ive made, it helps us grow up whether or not you helped, Philip made the decision to spike those brownies, not you so don't go blaming yourself" I said

when I got home, I headed upstairs changing when I got a text off tom;

Tom: meet me? x

Sophie: where? x

Tom: ill pick you up at the park by yours, where something nice x

I changed into a dress and my angle length boots and headed downstairs "mum, im heading out for dinner with janeece, ill see you later" I said heading into the kitchen "okay home by ten though" she said "okay". I headed out of the door and walked down the block until I got to the park I spotted toms car straight away and climbed in "hey" I said "hey, you okay" he asked "yeah, just an eventful day" I said "you can say that again" I said "come on lets go for dinner" he said before driving off into town,

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now