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Updated: 21/7/17

I walked to school leaving before anyone else I got to school and met up with Michaela "so Karla's back today" she said "poor Karla, im going to make Lindsey pay" I said as we headed into the school "what did you have in mind" she asked "today, after school gather as many people as possible" I said "you got it" she said walking off in the opposite direction. I headed to registration and sat in my normal seat when Tom walked in "Sophie, Mr Tyler wishes to see you in his office" he said I frowned in confusing, what does he want, "now" I asked "yeah go on" he said as I picked up my bag and headed to the office I knocked on the door of the office "come" he shouted at the other side of the door, god I feel as if im I trouble and I haven't done anything wrong, not yet anyways "you wanted to see me" I said "yes take a seat" he said gesturing to the seat in front of the office, reluctantly I took a seat "miss Campbell has decided to put you forward for the young arts competition" he said handing me a leaflet "what, I.. why me I mean there's loads of people who are miles better than me" I asked "miss Campbell thinks your the best, she says your predicted an A in that class" "wow I mean thank you sir" I said as I stood up "i don't believe it" I said "Are you taking part in this art project" he asked "ermm yeah, Campbell asked me said something about needed a great artist involved" I said "and she would be right, she wouldn't put anyone through this" he said as I nodded before leaving the office, now that was weird.

I found Michaela in the hallway she was watching Lindsey "she's not going to get away with this, she messes with one of us she messes with all of us" I said as karla came down the stairs "you okay Karla" Michaela asked "she's fine" said Danielle "don't worry Karla, she wont get away with this" I said before walking off. I found my mum storming through the hallway "can I speak to you" I asked her "later soph, I need to speak to Mr Tyler" she said as she walked past. what does she care. First period I walked into English to see tests on the table "a test?" I asked ton "yes, Mr Tyler's orders to see who is in the top and bottom sets" he said "there's no need for the test I can tell you now that im going to be in the bottom set" I said "do your best sophie, you might surprise yourself" he said "yeah it would be a big surprise" I said.

At break I spend time painting fences honestly it was dogs work for me, I headed round to find Michaela and sam standing outside the school "have you heard?" she asked me "heard?" "mummy dearest is letting Lindsey James off scot free" said Michaela "you what, if that was any of us...but no john fosters students get special treatment" I said "exactly" said sam "after school today ,were going to get her if we do it on school grounds lets say we'll be out quicker than we can blink" I said before heading back to finish the art project. I was just finishing up when a car came swirling my way I let out a scream as the car came crashing through the art piece and almost crashed into me missing me by an inch. i lay my head against the wall as luke was dragged away "sophie, are you okay?" my mum came up to me "like you care" i said before walking off as she called my name.

As the last bell went i headed to meet up with Michaela, Sam and Lauren "ready?" i asked them "do you think she'll have her gang with her" Sam asked "when doesn't she" i said "are you talking about Lindsey?" Karla asked as we turned around and looked at her as she was standing behind us "i don't want anymore trouble, ive already told mason" "don't worry karla you wont have any more trouble off her" not when were finished" said sam "that means your going to give her trouble" said karla "we're going to kick her head in on the way home, were doing it for you karla" i said.

After school we waited for Lindsey and her little gang, Lauren was look out and came running round the corner to where we were "shes coming, Siobhan and that slag amys with her as well and her little sister" said Lauren "right, get back and hide no one goes until i say" i said "were not going to hurt her little sister, are we?" sam asked "of course not, shes a kid and its Lindsey im after" i said. as we stood back and waited for them to come our way "alright linds" Michaela asked as they approached our way "having a nice time for your little mates" i asked her as i walked up to her "see you need all of yours, dead brave of you" said Lindsey "coming from someone who beats up special needs kids" i said "you'll be the one with special needs if you touch me" she said "is that a threat" i said as i pushed her "you think you can do one of us and get away with it, no chance this is for karla" i said punching her in the stomache "and this is for me" i said pulling her hair and pushing her to the ground. "come on lets go" i said to everyone turning my back on her "sophie" called sam as Lindsey jumped on me pulling my hair and pulling me onto the ground and i rolled over so i was on top of her "THAT IS ENOUGH!!" shouted my mum getting out of mr meads car, how did she find out. She pulled me off Lindsey as mr mead got hold of Lindsey "WHAT DO YOU CALL THIS GIRL? this stops now" mum said to us as i eyed Lindsey up ,no its not over, "get home the lot of you" mum said as Lindsey and i charged for each other again "this is not over, do you understand" i said "YES IT IS" mum said pulling us apart and pushing me in front of her "or you are" she said pointing at me "what you going to do expell me" "too right i am, no exams, no future" she said "see if i care" i said "and it will be off to boarding school with you sophie, its not like i cant afford to send you" i smirked "you think its funny, try it see where it gets you" she said as i turned around picking up my bag "you may as well send me there, its not as if you bother with anything i do now anyways not since eddie left" i said "come here" she said "no" she grabbed me around the waist "chris open the door" she said mr mead before throwing me into the back of the car as she got in the front "you realise im your daughter, not a piece of meat you can throw about" i said "my daughter, my sweet sophie wouldn't dare act the way you do" she said "yeah well sweet little sophie went a long time ago maybe you should learn to expect that" i said there was silence for the rest of the ride back to school.

i got back to school to find mr tyler standing in the yard, i went to walk off when mum grabbed me "oh no you don't your not going anyway"she said pushing me so i was leaning against the car "Lindsey james and sophie here had i fight outside of school" said mr mead "what, is anyone hurt" miss Campbell said "no but it confirms my thoughts we have a serious gang problem here and sophie and Lindsey are the leaders" she said. Mr tyler walked over to where i was standing "are you going to apoligise to your mother" he asked me, i glanced at her "am i hell" i said crossing my arms over my chest "well, you wont be entering the young arts competition" he said "im sorry what"mum asked "i try to tell you about it earlier but you were to busy as always" i said turning back to mr tyler "see if i care, besides if she has her way i wont be here and she'll finally have her way and have me gone" i said glaring at my mother. "thank you Rachel, for going to sort that out" mr tyler said "yeah, i think the girls needed a reminder off whos in charge" she said as i rolled my eyes before walking off "sophie, get back here" mum called following me down the car park "im going home,if that's alright with you" i said "fine, but your not walking come on ill get my stuff and we can go" she said as i rolled my eyes and followed her.

"im a big girl you know, i know the way home" i said to her as she stood i the office gathering her things "yes, and you happen to organise fights outside of school" she said "come on" she said heading out of the office and i followed her down the hallway where she stopped outside the pastoral care office "what" i said as i noticed her looking through the window to see miss Campbell and mr tyler kissing "oh my god" i said "no, Sophie, not another word out of you, i think you said enough today" mum said to me as she headed towards the car.

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