Aiden fricking scotcher

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Updated 22/3/17

"whens the last time, you actually spent the night at home" tom asked "dunno, why you want me to go" i asked "now why would i want that" he said as he wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed my neck "i dont know, i dont know who you have round here when im at home do i" i said "please, like i would cheat on you" he said "i should hope not" "ive been thinking, i think you should move in" "i would but my mum thinks your a distraction and i shouldn't move in until ive finished my A-levels" i said "hmm maybe shes right although if anyone's a distraction round here, its you walking around in your little shorts and vest tops" he said "you love it" i said as i pulled away from him and got a glass of water "you okay?" he asked "fine, just feeling a little sick" i said "you sure?" he asked "im fine tom, dont worry its probably a reaction to the new birth control pills" "why dont you make a appointment" "its probably a one off" i said "better save than sorry" "ill make a deal, if it happens again ill make an appointment" i said "good" he said kissing me on the lips.

I got to school and headed to registration to see Aiden and jess snogging each others faces off "put him down Jessica will you, im going to vomit up my breakfast" i said as i took my seat "your only jealous, Sophie" she said "of what, exactly" i said "us, you know the hot new couple" she said as she continued to snog him "as if" i said. After registration i head to the community café to find my mum "you wanted a hand?" i said to her "well look who it is stranger,yes, Sophie i need your articular eye in this" she said as she handed me some overalls . i changed into the overalls and headed into the community kitchen to see Aiden "oh great" i said as i grabbed a paintbrush and started painting, after ten minutes he came over to me "i know your jealous" he said as he leant against the ladders i was standing on "ha right as if, what would i be jealous of exactly" i asked "i see the way you look i know that you want me" "that might work on Vicki, but im not that easy" i said as i stepped up on the ladders and slipped falling off the ladders and to the ground where Aiden caught me "lucky, im here to catch you" he said "yeah, you can put me down now" i said as he placed me on my feet "aren't you going ot thank me" he asked smirking "thank you Aiden" i said "no ,not like that" he said as he leant in and kissed me, after a few seconds after the shook i realised what was happening and slapped him he held his cheek "ouch that hurt" he said "good, what with you, you think you can have jess, the best friend and the cousin well you can think again i don't play games especially with little boys like you" i said storming off, i needed to find jess and tom.

At break i found jess "i need to tell you something" "what is it soph?" she asked i sat down next to her "soph, what is it" she asked "this isn't easy, its about aiden he kissed me" i said she looked at me as if she was  registering what i had told her "did you kiss him back?" she asked "you what, of course i didn't" i said "did you want to" " no i didn't i love tom, Aiden boys like him aren't my type okay, look jess i thought that i owed you the truth at least" i said before i stormed off. Later that day i hadn't found tom, to be honest i was dreading telling him. I paced outside his classroom before knocking on the door and going in "i need to tell you something" I said to him "what is it?" he asked as I stood pacing in front of him "soph?" he said "Aiden scotcher tried to kiss me earlier today" I said "you what" he said standing up from his seat and I looked at him before he stormed out of the classroom looking for aiden oh crap what have I done. I followed him down the hallway to find him having aiden pinned against the wall "what give you the right to go around kissing other peoples fiancée" tom asked him "tom, leave it hes not worth it" I said as he let him go "she wanted me to the little slag" aiden said as tom punched him "don't disrespect my fiancée again"  tom said as he walked away "come on soph" he said wrapping an arm around my waist and leading me away "you realise you could lose your job for that, hitting a pupil" I said "so what, he was disrespecting you and you don't deserve that" he said "your the best" I said kissing him "how about we go out for dinner" he asked "sounds good" I said.

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