Bolton's fight

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edited 12/3/17

I got into school first thing "so when can I have a new phone?" I asked my mum "no you smashed that phone and you will learn to treat things with respect, you want a new phone you save up and buy one i mean you have to be responsible now that your pregnant and having a baby" said mum "and how am I meant to do that with no money" "get a job like normal people, or do your chores and I might give you some allowance" she said walking off towards the office. I headed to registration and sat with chlo "what is that" I asked "ermm" "chlo Grainger... Charles whatever your name is what is that" "okay don't freak out" "i don't like the sound of this" "Bolton is taking part in a fight, these are dontes takings for tickets and that" "a fight, a real boxing fight is he even ready" "apparently so" "don't say anything okay, mason cant find out" she said "chlo you know me better than that I don't snitch especially to my mother" I said.

At break I bet up with max was acted as if she was about to lose it " max you okay" I asked her "no, Steph wont let earl move in" she said "do you blame her, who knows what you two would get up to under her roof" she smirked at me "she took me in didn't she" she said "max, your different" "how Steph loves you like a daughter, you and I don't know she doesn't like earl very much she not going to let him move in is she" "i guess, but what am I meant to tell him he's expecting to move in" "well there's always the truth or in my experience just sneak him in she'll never know" "you Sophie mason are amazing" she said hugging me and running off. Lunch soon came around and I sat with a plate of chips in front of me "chips again" asked max sitting down smirking at me "cant help it baby wants baby gets" I said as she sat down next to me with a plate of chips "chips again?" I asked smirking at her "me and earl are going to get a place of our own" "what" "Steph is going away for the weekend away, two days so earl is staying and helping me pack" "what is Steph going to say" "ill be gone by the time she finds out" "max she's going to freak" "i know, I love him though soph" "im not sure that this is a good idea"  At the end of the day I met up with chlo "what's up" I asked Bolton as he stood pacing outside the classroom "i cant do this soph" "i thought you were ready" I asked him "i feel bad, on cleaver he's a good coach" "and you have to show him your worth all the training" I said "yeah Bolton you can do it" said janeece rubbing his arm "right im going" I said  feeling uncomrtable"you not coming with us" he said "come on soph" said chlo "fine" I said

we headed to the fight and I stood next to chlo holding her hand as Bolton fought I felt as if my heart was in my mouth the entire time about ten minutes into the fight I heard my mum shouting "I SAID STOP IT RIGHT NOW" she yelled "uh oh" I said as the entire place went quiet she walked down from the steps. "im out of here" I said as I snuck out of the back of the warehouse I stood and watched as everyone got back on the bus. suddenly a window smashed and a chair came out missing me by a cm I screamed ducking "Sophie" yelled my mum running over to me "are you alright" she asked I nodded my head "come on lets get you in the car" she said leading me to the car as I was shaking, "ill be back in a minute" she said heading to the warehouse building a few minutes later she came out and sat in the car with me "why didn't you tell me" she asked "I..i don't know I didn't even want to go to this fight and I end up with a chair nearly thrown at me" I said "come on, lets get home" she said driving away.

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