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Updated 21/3/17

I haven't been to school in over a week, ive been ill well that's what my mum thinks truthfully I've been avoiding Mr Tyler, I do not want to sleep with him 1. he's with miss Campbell 2.hes a bully and a sleezeball 3. I don't think its fair on tom even if we're not together no more 4. After everything he's done to my mum, I couldn't do that to her.
my mum came into my room as I lay in my bed "come on Sophie, your going back to school" she said "like hell am I" I said "you have exams, coming up and if I say your going back to school you are" she said "go to hell" I said as I pulled the blanket over my head "that's it Sophie" she said as she pulled the blanket over my head "what" I said she sat on the bed next to me "what happened, eh soph we use to be so close now your distant and keeping secrets from me" she said "im not" "are you being bullied is that why you don't want ot go to school" she asked "like anyone would dare" I said "up now Sophie or ill drag you to school by your hair" she said leaving the room "you wouldn't dare" I called back "try me, see what happens young lady" she said.

I walked into school watching as tom and the dinner lady kissed I stood by the tree glaring, what gives him the right to treat me like that, the way he does, nothing that's what. I sat in science next to Lauren and Sam as Amy volunteer to 'help' Mr mead "she is such a slag" Lauren said "she makes me want to be sick" I said. As the door opened and in walked my mum she made eye contact with me and smiled then turned to Mr mead.

At break I stood at my locker when amy porter came over to me blocking my way "what do you want slag" I said "i heard about your father, he killed himself didn't he, was that because he had you as a daughter, I don't blame him" she said smirking. I saw red and pinned her to the locker "don't mention him, ever you don't know shit" I said "oi, get off her" shouted tom as he walked over to us "cooler now" he said as I stormed off into the cooler slamming my bag to the ground and taking a seat. when my mum walked in less than five minutes later, great. "can I just have a couple of words" she said to the teacher and he got up and left the room "you can have two bog off" I said as I sloughed down into my chair crossing my arms. "okay, talk to me?" she said as she stood in front of me crossing her arms I didn't say a thing just looked at her "Sophie?, I understand your having a tough time at the moment and you don't want to tell me, but I cant have violence in this school, do you understand?" she said "kick me out then, do us all a favour why don't you send me off to the damn private school you threatened to send me to countless number of times" I said "what happened" she asked I said nothing "im on your side soph, I always have been, don't push me away again" "why, who did  you tell about my father" I asked breaking the silence just miss Campbell, she's head of pastoral care she needs to know" "then how come Amy porter knows" I said "is that why you lost it she said something" "she said he killed himself cause he had me as a daughter and she would do the same if she were him" I said "Sophie, you and I both know what happened, the guilt, the thought of prison got to him" "in that moment I actually wanted him to end it, kill me so I didn't have to life in fear, I even felt like .." "like what soph" "killing me myself, I was so angry at what he did I just wanted him gone, out of my life for good" I said "but you didn't and he's gone, ill talk to Kim see if she knows anything about how Amy porter knows and In the meanwhile I want you to get yourself together then go back to class and in future if you feel as though your going to lash out I want you to come see me, okay?" she said and I nodded as she headed out the room.

I headed to the next class and walked down the hallway "Sophie mason, a word" said Mr Tyler ugh what does he want "yes" I said as I turned around to face him "i wanted to know if you thought about our deal" he said "there is no deal" I said "oh yeah is that so, well ill be informing miss mason of your relationship with your form teacher" "you do that, as there is no relationship and id rather she know and hate me than sleep with you" I said "is that so" he said stepping closer to me brushing my hair away from my neck "what about mr Clarkson, hed be finished that's for sure" he said as he brushed his fingers over my neck "you know what ill tell her myself" I said as I lifted my knee up and kneed him in the balls before walking off.

At the end of the day I found Lindsey sitting by a tree outside "i think me and you need to talk" I said "why" she said "i think we need to settle a truce your the john fosters leader as I am with waterloo road" I said "sure" she said "are you okay" I asked her as I sat down "no" "is it about your dad, me and my dad well lets say I hated him I was nine the first time it happened when he raoed me and set his mates onto me my mum had went off to Africa to teach and I was so scared I felt more alone than ever, he use to call it a game but it wasn't it didn't feel right it made me feel dirty, afraid more than ever I mean he was my dad he was suppose to protect me not cause me harm I couldn't even tell my mum when she returned I don't even think she would of returned if I did shoplift, I stole a necklace a pearl necklace that I thought she would like, I did it because I wanted her back" I said "soph, I had no idea" she said "how could you its not something that I tell people" I said "sophie" said my mum giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze "mum, how long have you been standing there" I asked "a few minutes, I would of come back for you, you know that right" she said looking at me and i nodded my head.

"it wasn't just my mum he was hurting" Lindsey said "it was me too, it started when I was eleven mum was out, he called it a game but it weren't, it didn't feel right I didn't know how to stop it" she said "Lindsey you don't have to tell me if you don't want" said mum "he told me not to tell me, said shed be jealous that shed hate me cause he loved me more than her, its all my fault" "no its not don't you ever think that" mum said "it is" "its okay, Lindsey its going to be okay" "no its not" she said I felt my eyes water and I walked off and sat on the steps of the school my mum walked over to me "are you okay" she asked I shuck my head and started to cry as she pulled me into a hug and I cried into her chest.

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