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EDITED 12/3/17

I sat throwing up over the toilet the next morning when my mum walked in "we need to talk about this Sophie" she said "talk about what, the fact im fifteen, pregnant and my-the dad is being funny and I think he  wants nothing to do with the baby, the fact im terrified after what happened with Freya, no I don't think so" I said as I flushed the chain and walked past her and slammed my bedroom door shut. before I lay back onto my bed placing a hand on my belly. I got to school and spotted tom ugh. I went to walk off when he grabbed a hold of my arm "what are you going to do" he asked me and I rolled my eyes "so its still me, tom your the ne that got me pregnant it took both of us and you know we were both reckless we didn't use protection and were having sex and im not on birth control, its both of our faults tom, im scared" I said "so am I, soph, I--I may have looked after chlo and mika but I never had a child of my own" he said and I wiped my tears "we need to talk about this, though sophie, has your mum not asked about who the dad is" he said "yeah, and I said its not important but shes still asking" I said and he hugged me "well figute it out" he said and i nodded. I headed to the hall for drug awareness day and sat next to Bolton "are you doing a test?" he asked "cant, it will be inconclusive besides ,my mum don't want me too, she knows I don't do drugs" I said.

I sat outside during P.E "come on Sophie" said Mr cleaver "ermm sir I cant" "and why ever not" he said "things like netball im excused from" I said "not for me just because your the headmistresses daughter doesn't mean you can get away with being lazy" "lazy no sir I have a reason" "and that would be" "none of your business" I said standing up and storming off "oi Sophie" he said throwing a ball in my direction I caught it and threw it back to him before heading to find my mum. she was talking to ralph Mellor when I found her "can I have a word, miss?" I asked her "sure" she said as we headed out of the hall "i thought you spoke to Mr cleaver about being excused from contact sports" "i did" "why is he trying to force me to do netball then""i don't know, but ill speak to him" she said "thanks" "go get changed and head to your next class" she said. At break I found chlo in her mobile hairdressers "soph" she called grabbing my attention "sorry chlo im miles away any chance of a hair cut" I asked "sure you want a cut and a colour too?" she asked "no just a cut" I said,

At lunch I stood with max when janeece ran over "check this out" she said handing us a paper with a picture on "no way" I said "is that" said max "yes it is" "as if man" I said "Mr Lawson, is all for drugs who knew" said max "talk about a hypocrite if you ask me" said janeece. The end of last period I went to meet Tom who was flirting with davina I glared at them. The anger, the jealously building up in me. I got home feeling my anger boil up I stood in my room and picked up a photo of me and tom off the side, my mum never saw it   and threw it across the room, it hit the wall and smashed I sat on the floor picking up my phone looking through the photos. Anger filling me more as I looked at the photos off tom and I, why would he want me im just a child. I threw my phone against the wall breaking it in the process my mum came up the stairs, she must of heard the smash "what on earth is going on" she sked "when did you get home" I asked "just now, Sophie what happened" "nothing" "soph" "im fine, just hormones"  I said and she sighed "come on lets get this cleaned up" she said I nodded my head before cleaning up the mess.

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