sneaking into school

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Updated 22/3/17

I lay in bed starring up at the ceiling, this wasn't my room sure it had been my room for the last three months nearly but it wasn't my room, it was a attic with a bed in a some furniture in, "sophie" called aunt Karen from the other side of the door "yeah" "come on, time to get up" she called sighing I got up and got dressed heading down the stairs "sophie come on" Karen said as she knocked on the bathroom door "its not me" I said as I put my blazer on over my shoulders, "jess get out of there" she called jess came out of her room "its not me its dad hes been in there for ages" she said. I headed downstairs as I slipped on my trainers and headed off to school slamming the door.

I met up with lauren and amy on the way to school when sam came up to us "what are you doing here  aren't you suppose to be suspended" I asked her "what are you going to do hide behind us all day" amy said I glared at her "look sam, you cant hide about all day I mean teachers are going to notice if your in classes when your meant to be suspended" I said as I walked off inside to find jess "jess I need my phone back" I said to her "ill get it back for you, tonight okay" she said and I nodded before heading off to registration.

"now you don't get out of the front gate without a signed pass" tom said in registration holding up yellow slips of paper "great, now its going to make it harder for me to skip" I said "i know Mrs fisher your mum but she don't half make things difficult" vicki said to jess "tell me about it" jess said "couldn't agree more with you there Jessica" I said as I turned around a smirked at her "give me that" jess said taking the slip off Vicki and signing it "jess" I said "what" "if she finds out your dead" "well shes not going to" she said As the bell rang, I had a free first period and bumped into sam in the hallway "what are you doing" I said as I grabbed her arm and pulled her over to the lockers "im bored soph" she said as tom came running down the stairs and spotted her "Sambuca" he said to her when he spotted her "soph, leave us" he said "now sophie" he yelled "fine" I said as I walked off. I sat in the library when sam came in I smiled at her as she walked over to lauren and amy "do you want any help" sam asked "no, were all right" lauren said coldly I kicked her under the table "what was that for" she said "i think you know" I said bitterly "right that's it" she said as she jumped out of her seat and pulled me out of my seat "get of me" I said pushing her away "whats your problem" she said as she pushed me into a self so I hit my back "im looking at it" she swung her fist at me hitting me in the nose making my nose bleed "bitch" I said as I jump at her knocking her to the floor. I was pulled off her by aunt Karen "my office now" she said I glared at lauren before picking up my bag and heading towards the office.

I headed into the office and both lauren and aunt Karen came in "well" she said "she started it" lauren asked "how old are you six, she started  it jeez" I said crossing my arms over my chest "what, you did you kicked me" "well, I shouldn't be surprised you've been acting like a little brat since the start of term" I said "right girls stop it, lauren detention a month of you go" Karen said to her "sophie, sit down" she said I stood still "sophie mason sit down now" she yelled reluctantly I sat down "whats going on" I shrugged my shoulders "you miss your mum, don't you" "what im practically an adult its no like I need her" I said "your seventeen your allowed to admit you still need her" "she missed my birthday she was to busy enjoying herself in Australia on her honeymoon with eddie" I said "she didn't call on your birthday did she" I shuck my head "no, it was the next day when she called she said something about forgetting about the time distance, shes never not been with me on my birthday even when she worked in Africa she would come back to visit or fly me out so we could spend the day together" I said "she'll be back in two weeks before you know it" she said "can I have my phone back" I asked her she walked over to her desk and pulled out my blackberry and handed it to me "detention lunchtime for the next month" she said I nodded my head.

At lunch I went outside to look for sam, I couldn't find her anywhere I spotted tom standing at the gate "mr Clarkson" I said as I walked over to him "yes, sophie" he said acting professional "i was wondering if you had seen sam" I asked him "Sambuca has decided to skive off" "what" "you heard me, and I heard that you had a fight with lauren Andrews" he said "well the stupid cow was asking for it, acting like a five year old" I said "what are you like soph, are you coming over tonight" he asked "i dunno, I was going to call my mum I haven't spoke to her in a while" I said "when she back" "end of the month" I said. "okay, maybe tomorrow" "yeah". I picked up one of the magazines and read through it someone had written an article about bex and blaming Karen, jess. I found her standing by the steps "jess, what did you do" I asked her as she stood there "so what" she said as she walked off. "Jessica, my office" Karen shouted oh god she must of read the article.

After school I headed back home and sat in the sitting room playing on my phone and texted my mum

sophie: I miss you mum, when are you coming home? x

mum: two weeks its not long at all x

I sighed as I read the message two weeks sounds like a lifetime. later that night I was doing coursework when I was disturbed by shouting from downstairs. I went downstairs to see Charlie and Karen arguing. I walked into the kitchen to find harry leaning over the kitchen sink "hey shrimp what are you doing" I asked him "nothing" he said as he walked off and headed upstairs. I headed back upstairs after getting a drink of water to see jess and Karen in bex's room as I headed up to my room my phone was ringing, mum "hi darling" she said as I answered "hey" I said as I sat down on the bed "is your aunt there I want to have a word with her" she said sighing I headed down stairs to see her lying on bex bed "mums on the phone, she wants to speak to you" I said as I handed her the phone "Rachel hi" she said as I headed up to bed.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now