Drunken mess

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I woke up and I was so tired, so very tired and cold I pulled on my dressing gown and wrapped my arms around me I hope im not getting ill, not with exams coming up I went downstairs to breakfast to see Eddie as to what I call him when were not at school sitting at the table reading a morning paper "morning Sophie" he said as i took a seat next to me "morning" I said rubbing my eyes "where's Philip" I asked "still in bed" "Philip really im usually the last one up have you heard from my mum?" I asked "yes she phoned not to long ago you were still in bed she send she'd ring after school" I nodded "do you want breakfast" he asked we don't eat breakfast in this house, not really "ill have some toast" I said as I walked to the fridge pouring myself a glass of orange juice "when she back" I asked "tomorrow night" "good" I said "why is there something with with living with me" "no Eddie its not that I love having you here you make my mum happy I mean you may as well move in the amount of time your here" he paled and looked at me "i didn't mean that, not literally, its just that the last time I was away from my mum something happened to me, she was away three years sure she did come and visit but its not the same" "you stayed with your dad didn't you" he asked "yeah, what's she told you about him" "not a lot just that its a sensitive subject for you and you two didn't get a long" he said I nodded and we finished the rest of breakfast in silence before I headed upstairs for a shower.

I walked to school and met up with janeece "wow janeece look at them" I said referring to her boob job "thanks" "you look amazing" I said as we linked arms and walked into school and we bumped into Bolton "you look great babe" he said smirking at her, boys. "so how long until" he said winking at her "Bolton really" I said crossing my arms "couple of weeks" said janeece "weeks" said Bolton "you trying to say im not worth the wait" she said smirking "well can I have a peak" he asked as janeece undid a button showing Bolton "Jan, really" I said hitting her arm "err janeece a word" said miss Campbell she walked off and left me with Bolton and Paul heading to miss Campbell's office  "sophie  has boobs but not like that but janeece never had any before and now its just"  Bolton said "Bolton stop talking you sound like a pig" I said walking off to find janeece or chlo, anyone who isn't a boy.

During break a load of us got called to the art room over our uniforms "god sake" I said "so your telling us this has nothing to do with janeece coming into school looking like Jordan this morning" said Danielle "at least she doesn't look like something the cat spat out" I said smirking as janeece smirked at her. "everyone start from the beginning I want ties up to the top" said miss Campbell I took off my jacket and redid my tie "now I look like the headmistresses daughter" I said to janeece as she laughed "apart from the tight blouse "its meant to be tight, I got a size to small" I said "Sophie, pull your skirt down" said miss Campbell I pulled my skirt down so it was half way down my legs "it wont go down any further" I said "right, well this not as short as it usually is, a longer skirt tomorrow" she said "i don't have one" I said to janeece.

"unbelievable" I said to janeece "Yeah?" she said "you get a boob job and the school turns strict all of a sudden about uniform" "yeah" "if you ask me I say Campbell's jealous" I said "really" "yeah I mean she has a kid now so she has mum boobs and your young and fit as Bolton says " "so you think she's jealous" "of course she is Jan, if this was about uniform it would of been but in action months ago"

lunchtime I slipped school for the afternoon and went to the shop around the corner bought a bottle of vodka I couldn't handle the image of him, dead in my mind, I headed back to school just after lunch and seen Eddie walking through the yard I hid behind a tree thank god im small or he would of seen me. I headed into school and for registration as Tom did the register "mark Austin....Donte Charles...Gabrielle Harrison...chlo grainer...Sophie mason" "here" I said he looked up and looked at me before carrying on with the register. After registration everyone stood up to leave while I dropped my bag on meant down to pick it up mr Clarkson walked over to me "Sophie" "sir" I said "i thought as much your drunk" he said "am not" I said "come with me" he said grabbing my arms and dragging me to the changing rooms turning on the showers before pulling me in and holding me by my waist under the shower head as I sunk to the floor crying "i get it im a disaster, a disappointment" I said crying he turned the shower off and sat next to me "and why is that" he asked and even if we had stopped talking and only saw each other as a student and teacher now even after I lost his babbay. It broke his heart when I told him I knew that I could trust him so I told him all about what happened with my dad, crying "its not your fault, its his" he said as he pushed my wet hair out of my face "he killed himself a few weeks ago, in my house its as if he knew I was going to report him" I said "the guilt got to much for him" he said I looked at him i smiled "though its me who is stuck with the memories" I said "i understand" he said placing his hand on my cheek and I turned to face him and smiled at him as he leaned in to kiss me, hold on a minute my English/ form teacher is kissing me and im kissing him back again. what am I doing? why am I liking this? I cant be doing this, I mean we have talked in weeks  I pulled away and looked to the floor "im sorry I shouldn't of" he said "you don't have to say anything, just can we keep this a secret, the drinking, this" I said gesturing between us "sure" he said heading out of the changing rooms while I rested my head against the wall what just happened.

I headed home soon afterwards and changed into my pjs and lay on my bed as I thought about what happened today when my phone rang "hey mum" I said answering the phone "hi darling how was school" she asked "you know same old same old, when are you coming home" I asked "ill be home late tomorrow night" she said "good, how's your course" I asked "oh its fine, are you okay Sophie you don't sound yourself" she said "im fine, just not feeling well" I said "if your sure, look I have to go but ill ring you later tonight" she said "okay mum " "i love you soph" "love you too" I said hanging up.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now