head pupil

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"soph" "hmm" "im going for a run with josh ill be back in a bit" tom said "hmm" I said into my pillow "ill see you when I get back" he said kissing my head as I looked up to see it was only 6.30 and rested my head back down "lazy bones" tom said "no, I like sleep" I said "same thing" he chuckled as he headed out of the door. I had just gotten up when the front door shut "soph, you up" tom shouted "yeah" I called as I stood in front of the mirror adjusting my tie he came into the room and wrapped his arms around my waist "ugh your all sweaty" I said "hmm, I can think of another way to get sweaty" he said pulling me back towards the bed "you realise that I've just gotten dressed" I said as I put my arms around his neck "so" he said pulling me onto the bed. Ten minutes later we had gotten up again "tom, what were you wearing" I asked as I held up his clothes that had been discarded on the floor "well sorry I wasn't aware that I was living with two gok wans" he said "who said anything about living" I said and he went quiet "so how's the counselling going" I asked as he was in the shower and I brushed my teeth "god actually, I never though id be one for talking but its really helped" he said "im glad" "thanks to you, you've been there when I was at my lowest and I cant thank you enough for that" he said "anytime baby" I said "do you know what I think?" he asked "what's that" "that you join me in the shower" he said smirking "you know id love too but if I did then neither of us would get to school and considering its your first day back I say we take a rain check on that" I said as I walked out of the bathroom.

I got to school and was at my locker when my mum came up to me "hello stranger" she said "huh" "well I haven't seen you all week, apart from school if I didn't work here then I wouldn't see you at all" she said "im sorry its just tom needs be at the moment" "i understand that you want to be there for him soph, but remember your a seventeen year old girl and I want you home tonight" she said  I rolled my eyes "i want to move in with him" I said "no" "mum im almost eighteen" "you can move in with him when you finish school and complete your A-levels as much as I value tom as a teacher hes simply a distraction for you" she said. I slammed by locker shut "your such a bitch" I said storming off "Sophie, come back here" she called as I headed up he stairs. At the end of registration tom asked me to stay behind he walked over to me and held my hands and pulled me to him so that I was sitting on his lap "i was wondering if you wanted to try another date, I think I owe you one after the horrific beating" he said "tom" "think about it" he said as he kissed me on the lips and I headed off to first period.

At break bex came up to me "soph, just the girl I was looking for" she said "oh no" I said knowing she wanted me to help with her campaign for head pupil "jess is suppose to be my campaign manger but she gone to meet the boyfriend but can you put a few of these on the notice board" she asked handing me some flyer "okay Becky, but you owe me" I said "thanks soph" she said "soph, we have a problem" Finn said as  he came up to me "what, you realise how much you actually fancy Sambuca Kelly, took you long enough" I said "what, no I don't fancy Sam she's ...a mate" "hmm whatever you say, what the problem" "Wayne he has a porn video of bex on his phone" he said "im sorry what did you say because it sounded as if you said bex was in a porn video" "i did" "okay, emm look you have to tell bex okay" "she's your cousin" "yes im well aware of that but you were the one he showed I haven't seen it have I? nor do I wish too" I said "uh fine"

Tom came up to be after break "Sophie, there's something that you need to see" he said as he showed me a video of bex, a porn video I put my hand over my mouth "my god" I said "did you know" he asked "Finn said something about it before but I didn't think he was telling the truth" I said "Finn that explains a lot" "huh" "he and Wayne had a fight, Finn took his phone" "sounds about right" "look I have to tell Karen about this" I nodded as he headed to find Karen. At lunch wayne came in a throw around flyers off bex as a porn star "ill kill him" I said as I ran down the hall after him I found him hiding by the changing rooms "does it make you feel big does it, degrading and embarrassing young girls like that you know the only reason boys like you do that its because your pathetic and sad" I yelled at him "shes a slut she deserved it" he said tom came up and tried to pulled me off him "you make me sick" I said as I turned around  "i don't know who is the bigger slag you or her" he said as I turned back around "sophie no" tom said as I punched him in the face "fuck" I said holding my knuckle "come on soph" tom said leading me to the staff room which was empty and handing me a bag of frozen peas "i thought you had your temper controlled" he asked as he sat opposite me "i did, but its when it comes to stuff like this I cant, she was only a child and yes it was her boyfriend but she was still abused" "she told you,soph this is nothing like what happened to you" "really, what to compare I was abused and taped as was she" "but the difference was bex wanted to do it you were nine she was sixteen" "i just wish I could forget all about it" I said "have you thought about finding that Michael" "and say what hi there I know you and my mum use to date but I could be your daughter that you don't know about from that relationship, want to hang out some time, yeah tom great idea" "maybe not like that but it will give you some closure from what happened" he said.

I walked out of school to spotted Sam and Finn sitting on the steps of the school I smirked at the pair of them as I played on my phone  they started arguing and then Finn kissed her my eyes wided and then I dropped my phone on the ground cracking the screen "shit" I said. After lunch I went into the hall and listened to the head pupils speeches "you've got this in the bag" I said to bex after her speech "don't be daft soph" she said. I stood with my mum after the speeches "i heard about what happened a lunch" she said and i sighed "i know why you did it, because of him look we can find out who your father is if you really want to" she said "yes I do" "right, ill have to contact Michael" she said "thank you mum" I said hugging her "you wont be thanking me in a minute" "huh" "two weeks lunch time detentions for violent behaviour you know this already sophie, rules are rules you break them you get punished" she said. janeece stood on the stage "the results are in and the new school pupil is bex fisher" she said and we all cheered.

I found tom at the end of the day "ive decided that you can take me out on that date if you still want to" I said "of course" "but I think that we should have a date away from public eye, say pizza at yours or Chinese" I said "you sophie mason are my kind of girl, pizza it is" he said kissing me.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now