Melissa's big secret

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Edited 14/3/17

it was early, too early too be in school mum was in a jolly mood "why are you in such a good mood" I asked "well its the last day before term before we break up for half term" "yes but it is 7.30 in the morning why did you have to drag me in, I could of come in at a more reasonable time, I could still be in bed" "if I left you there you would still be in bed by lunchtime I know what your like Sophie""ugh whatever" "are you still alright for Philip to stay" she asked "i don't mind Phil, its Melissa" "i really don't know what your problem with her is" "how about that she's a bitch, the fact of what you do for her and she still treats you like dirt, and she took your man, sisters don't do that its code" "Eddie wasn't my man" "he's as good as, he loves you ad you love him" "Eddie loves Melissa" "no he thinks he does, he's in denial about his feelings for you"

I sat in the office as Melissa, Philip and Eddie walked in bragging about the honeymoon sweet they had booked "who cares" I said as I flicked through one of my magazines "oh really special, oh yeah" said Philip I looked at him and smirked he is never sarcastic haha I love it. "you can go now" said Melissa to Philip practically kicking him out of the office "yeah Sophie, why don't go you have class" said mum "says who" I said "me, fifteen minute I want you there" said Mr Lawson

At lunch I stood with the rest of the school cheering Bolton on as he went off to his match "good luck" I said hugging him before waiting for the couch to arrive. getting on the couch I sat behind janeece and chlo as Sam got on the couch "sam, i saved you a seat" I said "thanks soph" she said taking a seat next to me. once we got to the boxing ring the atmosphere for the match was in the air I stood at one of the back benches as I waited for the match to begin. my mum came up and sat next to me at the back "you okay" she asked me "yeah just nervous, you know thinking if he gets nervous" I said "he'll be fine" she said "yeah, your probably right." The fight soon started and Bolton was going to smash this little gimp, I knew it. Philip joined us on the back bench as the fight started im guessing he wanted a better view of the match.

half way through the match Philip went outside mum soon followed coming back In a few minutes later "is he alright" I asked her "ermm im not sure, can you go outside and see if he's okay" she asked "sure" I said as I headed outside to find him leaning on a lamppost "Philip, you okay" I asked him "im fine, just a bit hot in there" he said "come on ill sit with you until your feeling better, I think mum went for some water" "what about Bolton's fight" he asked "your more important" I said. after the match everyone came out and found Bolton looking stressed "bolt" I said walking over to him he looked distraught "what happened" I asked putting a reassuring hand on his back "cleaver gave me some pills said its what boxers take, they said I haven't won the game" "bolt, im so sorry" "i worked so hard, for this" "i know you did"

Getting back to school, everyone went home as Philip and i headed up to the office I would of headed home but I left my keys at home. A s we got to the office Eddie was on the phone to Melissa "what's going on?" I asked as I took a seat in front of the desk placing my feet on top of the desk "feet down, Melissa's lost her passport" she said hitting my leg "ouch and ha, what a fool" "she's probably thrown it away or something its a pity there not going somewhere within the country, they could of used any forms of transport" said Philip I looked at mum, she had that look on her face oh boy she looked somewhat between confused and furious " I should go" I said standing up"no" said mum and Philip at the same time I sat back down noticing Philip drumming his fingers on the chair next to me. one thing about him is he's not a good liar and growing up together I can always tell when he's lying or not telling something, he drums his fingers. Then the integration began "im going to ask you one more time Philip, do you know where that passport is your mum and Eddie are going to miss out on a holiday of the lifetime" she said "couldn't happen to a nicer person" I mumbled "Sophie, please don't start" said mum as Phil broke down in tears "what's wrong, what's happened" she asked him " I promised I wouldn't say anything but I don't think its fair on Eddie" "that doesn't make any sense" I said "mums still married" "you what" I said jumping up "what" said mum "actually she's married to two men my dad and some other bloke, she married my dad when she was still with her other husband" "she told me she got divorced" said mum "she lied, she never went through with it" said Philip "lying doesn't sound like Melissa now does it mum" I said "Sophie" she said sending me a warning look. before heading out of the office as Philip handed her the passport.

I sat on the steps waiting as I played on my phone bored, when my mum came storming out of the building grabbing my phone from me "hey" I said "come on lets go" she said heading towards the car "can I have my phone" I asked as she stood by the boot putting her bag in "not at the minute" she said "bag Sophie" she said as I threw my bag to her standing by the passenger seat I was about to get in the car when "Rachel" it was Mr Lawson aww come to confess his true love they looked at each other "get in the car Sophie" "why" "here" she said handing me the phone, I got in the car waiting as they talked.

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