Nosey Clarkson

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Updated 8/3/17

  I walked into my mums office minutes behind her to see that it was trashed "what the hell happened here?" I asked "someone broke in Sophie, it looks just as bad as your room" she said "okay I get it I'll tidy my room" " tidy or stuff everything under the bed" "mum" I said as I walked over to the desk to see a pile with my mums paper on, it was empty "is this your personal file" I asked her "what" she said as she snatched it off me to see "great" she said "why would someone steal your file" I said  "i don't know, what do you want"  she snapped "love you too mother, I  wanted to talk to you about tonight, you know im hanging with Bolton" "yes what about it" "i was wondering if I could stay out later then curfew" I asked "Sophie you know the rules" "but mum" "no Sophie 10:30 no later" she said "fine" I said walking out of the office slamming the door. She is such a bitch sometimes.

I met up with Chlo outside registration "you ready for the exams?" Chlo asked "no, im dreading psychology Chlo I cant do this" I said "Soph, your stressing out calm down and remember these aren't the real things there the mocks" said Chlo. I spent the morning doing exams though , psychology well I just say that I've failed. I walked down the stairs just before third period when Mr Clarkson came up to me, I stood with Max and Janeece "Sophie, parents evening" he said and I looked at him "what about it" I said "is your mum going, or your dad" he said and I froze "you'll have to ask her, probably knows how bad im doing" I said "what about your dad" he said and I felt the colour drain from my face "don't go there sir" I said "is he not coming" he asked "i am the result from a one night stand and my dad is...well he's a monster so there's no way in hell he will be coming any where near me never mind to parents evening" I said as I walked off "what was all that about" I heard him ask Max and Janeece "its not our place to say sir" Janeece yeah, you'll have to ask Sophie" Max said as they walk on after me "are you okay" Janeece asked and I nodded

I stuck around at school and tried to do some maths revise for tomorrows exam well lets just say it didn't go to well especially with maths being my worse subject. At four I went down to the office to speak to my mum "can I speak to you?" I asked "sure, what's wrong" she asked "I..i cant do it" "do what" " only good at French and I've near enough failed my psychology exam this morning, I've sat in the library all afternoon trying to revise for maths tomorrow, I cant do it mum" "Sophie, I know what your asking and the answer is no, im not allowing you to leave school, your fourteen and haven't got a GCSE to your name" "but im crap" "language, no your not, you need help and I tell you what were going to do every morning we are going to come into school earlier and your going to come in the office and im going to help you" she said

Later that night I met up with Bolton "so where are we going?" I asked "sorry soph any change I can take a rain check, I've had one hell of a day" he said and I nodded, feeling slightly disappointed. I walked into the hall when mum walked over to me "thought you had a date" she said "it wasn't a date it was no friends hanging , but he cancelled" I said as Mr Clarkson walked over to me "any chance I can have a word with Sophie" he said and mum looked at me  "sure" I said "come on, lets go find somewhere quiet" he said as we walked to the art room in silence. I took a seat at the table were there was a paintbrush left on the table, I picked it up fiddling it between my hands "i think we need to talk" he said and I sighed "do we" I said he snatched the paintbrush out of my hands "leave it" he said as he placed it on another table "what was that earlier, you practically freaked out when I asked you about your dad" he said I looked up from the desk "he's not my dad...I don't have a dad" I said "something about him, upsets you doesn't it" he asked "what, the fact at nine year old im left with a complete stranger who is my dad...or how about the fact that he raped me constantly, him and his friends I was nine years old and I was scared I just wanted my mum...but her trip to Africa was more important, I just want to know why, I just want to know what I did to deserve it I was good, I have been since I was little until she came back I turned rebellious, hide my feelings...all I want to know is why I got raped and beaten by my dad, what did I do so wrong, at nine years old, did I deserve it" I said as tears fell from my face. He placed his hand on top of mine and I looked up my blue eyes meeting his blue eyes, it was then I noticed just how beautiful his eyes were, they were like a deep blue ocean, beautiful. I stood up pulling my self out of thought and stood by the wall when he walked over to me , he placed the tip of his thumb on my cheek wiping away the tear that was running down my face, I held my breathe unsure what to do. "you didn't do anything wrong Sophie, he was in the wrong" he said and I  smiled slightly "yeah?" "yeah" he said and i looked at him as he placed his hand on my cheek and I looked at him and he leant in and kissed me, I was kissing my English teacher and I wasn't doing anything to stop him, instead I kissed him back. He pulled away from me and walked to the door "we shouldn't of done that" he said "sir, im glad" I said as he walked out of the room.

I walked in the house to see mum sitting in the living room "mum, you okay?" I asked "yeah, just got a odd feeling" "did you go to parents evening" I asked "what as your headmistress or as your mother" " I think we know the answer to that" I said "no, I didn't I already know how your doing" she said "are you going to shout" "no, we'll talk later, go and get to bed its late "she said.

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