
461 7 1

Updated 21/3/17

I went downstairs first thing hoping that no one would be up, it was just starting to get outside when I got downstairs I was relieved to see that there was no one there and I went to the freezer and pulled out the cookie dough ice cream and sat at the table "put the ice cream back Sophie, that is not breakfast material" said my mum behind me "come on mum, its my last exam today and its maths and im so stressed I need this" I said "no" she said as she pulled the tub of ice cream away from me and put it back in the freezer "spoilsport" I mumbled.

I got up the stairs to get ready for school and picked up my boots and slid them on I heard a crack the damn heel snapped "fuck" I mumbled to myself I sneaked into my mums room and looked through her wardrobe I needed a pair of shoes, heels. I noticed her knee length boots and decided to nick them before I walked off to school. when I got to school I noticed that her and eddie had both beaten me there now just to avoid her for the rest of the day so that she doesn't know that I have her boots. "are you going to prom" lauren asked me "i don't know" I said "sam not going" "why not" "she said she cant afford it, but I think that its because shes not going with Bolton" she said "well Bolton is jealous easily, why don't she go with someone else" I said smirking "your a genius sophie mason" "so ive been told" I said.

At break eddie grabbed me "hey Eddie what's going on" "i want to show you something" he said as he lead me to the kitchen "seriously, I don't have time" I said "it wont take two minutes" he said. we got to the kitchen and there was a wedding cake "eddie is that..i mean wow" I said "its not to much is it..i mean its not to fancy" he asked "no, its amazing she'll love it" I said. I was walking through the hall when I bumped into mr Clarkson "sorry sir" I said smirking "a word miss mason" he said "of course" I said as I followed him into his classroom "so I heard your doing a photoshoot, does it involve clothes" I asked him "the photoshoot involves me and a pair of balls, footballs" "i think I like the sound of that kind of photoshoot maybe you can give me a preview later" I said "maybe I will" he said smirking

At lunch I found Bolton starring at sam "for god sake why dont you ask her out" I said "what" he said "sam, ask her to the prom its clear you fancy her" I said "no" he said "you were never a good liar" I said to him "shes not my type" "god sake Bolton, im going to go to prom with you okay, but don't even try anything this is as friends only okay" I said "cheers soph" he said as I walked off down the corridor and seen tom in the classroom posing for his photoshoot and I walked into the classroom and winked at him before I walked off smirking. Damn.

I sat at the steps by the lockers when my mum sat next to me "is there a reason that your wearing my boots" she asked "my heel on mine broke" I said as I twirled a bit of hair "are you okay" she asked me I looked at her and nodded my head "you know you cant lie to me" she said "its nothing, I just been thinking once you and eddie get married, what about me im just going to be in the way" "what, no" "yes im sixteen who wants their sixteen year old daughter around when they have a new husband besides you'll only want children with him, wont you" I said "no, no don't you ever think that eddie loves you as if your his own he adopted you didn't he, he loves you" "yeah" I said.

I walked home and walked over to toms he was waiting for me "i made dinner" he said as he lead me into the kitchen to see a table lit with candles "tom your so sweet" I said as I kissed him "how about we wait for dinner, besides I think I owe you a preview of my photoshoot" tom said as I smirked "that you do" I said as he lead me upstairs.

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